about time.
Sorry to call down a load of shite on my head but I am all up for this. I live on a small road in SE London and it is used as a rat run with selfish twats barging down it at 50-60mph so they can get home 2 min earlier. FFS, only 1 car can get past at any time and there is a junior school on the road. 20mph limits are there for a reason ie slow the fcuk down. That said, 30mph + roads, well it’s your choice
If it makes it safe for residents, then great, but for motorists, that’s CRIMINALLY slow! I must admit, there’s a 20mph zone round near me and whilst I do slow down for it, I can’t do 20mph, my bike isn’t made for that speed, it’s very rough and doesn’t like it at all, overheats very quickly.
Rob Gifford, parliamentary transport safety council director, said: “Replacing humps with these new cameras will benefit Government Piggy Banks enormously, as well as making journey times twenty five percent longer.”
“Drivers will stop rat-running through neighbourhoods where they know their salary will be soaked up by our lovely grey boxes!”
… Did he really say that?!
Well - if its so great - then how about 10 mph? Surely that will be safer still?
I have no problems with them enforcing 20 mph limits in quiet residential streets & certainly round my way the speed cushions only slow down drivers of small cars that don’t have a wide enough track to skip over them - white van man does & he can fly down the street at 50+ without even noticing they’re there.
The problem I do have with this though is that we know full well they’ll start by introducing it in small quiet streets, but before long it’ll gradually creep out to encompass the whole of London.
As for them using normal SPECS cameras, they work fine on motorways & A roads were there’s defined lanes running in a single direction, but for back streets with two way traffic, the only way I can see this work is for the cameras to be double headed - ie. scanning & reading plates in both directions.
is there not sumthing like this on Lower Thames Street?
Whilst I am in favour of the cameras I should add that this is only in areas where they are needed i.e. schools etc. However I would expect that the good intentions will be forgotten as soon as the revenue starts coming in and the bloody things will be everywhere.
I’m with you on that one fella…
Bloody scameras.
I think this is great! Obviously he problem here is where they will enforce it? If they use the comon sence I believe that it’s great, even for the 30miles ones. I ride a scooter in the city which is made for it. The sports bike is not made for the city so I don’t use.
I hope that all money that each camera gets is given to the local schools. If not then IMO its wrong to have these cameras. Also, its not the car/bike/etc that is taxed, insured, mot’d Etc that they will catch is it. Why the fook can’t they just have more cops on the streets and not cameras?
IMO cameras are $hit and I would be much happier with cops on the street!
why dont we just stop driving altogether that will solve the problem lol!
Why dont people just look where they are going before they walk into the road instead of making motorists drive at 20mph which is so slow you may as well get off or out and walk. It gets me it really does how the pedetrian causes so much agro! Run em over if they walk out infront of you in stupid places
Of course the pedestrian is always right I hate the people you get that walk across the road in front of you when there is a zebra crossing 10 yards from them that they cant be bothered to use and they look at you all arrogant like expecting you to stop!