1st time paintballing

The number one tip at this time of year, is to get some anti-mist stuff for your mask. Some use fairy liquid. Or buy one with a pinlock/foggy type double layer. I got one for about 25 quid a few years ago. Worth every penny.

A good site will provide extra paint containers so you can stick another 100 in your pocket. Always handy if you run out halfway through a game.

thats a bad point the people whove spent loads of money always win

And don’t worry about the bruising. It’s not that bad… :hehe:





I’m wearing my leather jacket LOLOL:P

dont take your gogles off and aim for the fore head :slight_smile:

Last time I went I got one smack between the eyes on my forehead, the bruise lasted forever.

And it hurt.

Most people who are not used to play paintball, seems to think that they have to use the gun like a real rifle and support it in to your body. This is the worst mistake as you expose your body when you do that.

Most important thing is to keep your body hidden as much as you can and be a very small target.

SO only stick your gun out from the cover in angle, so that they can see only your ball loader and some of your head. Then your pretty much invincible :w00t:

Also buy balls earlier with mates and save a lot of money. Box of 2000 balls keeps you happy nicely, u can get them around £20

Saw much worse brusing on a girl than that (she was at the swimming pool about a week after paintballing and was covered in awful bruises). That coupled with the disclaimer form they make you sign beforehand put me right off it:sick: