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No you lot are all wrong

My guess is, there all doing the sneeky and are hoping the copper doesnt catch them without helmets

I know all the legions of safety nazis on here will have a fit reading this but I say go for it!

Up early on a sunday morning, find a quiet couple or so miles of country road, strap the lid onto the rear seat & stick on a pair of shades for one of biking’s best feelings.

Dont know man…the only few times I’ve ridden without helmet (i.e. to park my bike down the next block or somethimg like that) it feels a bit weird…and uncomfortable…
You sort of feel naked and unprotected. I know its all in my mind but…

And I cannot ride without gloves. I am used to the feel of the controls with gloves and whenever I ride without them it seems weird and I often stall the engine I guess it is what you are used to. Some people are used to helmets, gloves and jackes…others not

Is some-one robbing her at gunpoint? Or perhaps she just has a spectacular frontage that needs showing off.

well if u look REALLY closely in the 3rd top window in between the traffic lights, some girl is getting out of bed stark naked!