Yes i Finally Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally managed to get my knee down this morning and hear and see the scappings of my knee slider!!!

Turns out i was doing a few things wrong that once corrected made it possible.

  1. the knee slider on my leathers wasn’t pointing where it should
  2. my right foot was not tight enough with the bike it should of been as far at the begining of the peg
  3. just to hang a bit more on the left leg!

Very very happy right now!!!

congrats mate, where did you manage it?

Roundabout in Bristol, its ok prob not 100% ideal for trying it as its on a minor slope and isnt a big roudabout. But traffic flow isnt major heavy although i could only do a few laps as it was getting a bit busy (1030am sat what did i expect).

Some van drivers who came behind me as i was doing it started honking!

yay!! Nice one Anil

  1. you was turning right and trying to get the left knee down

ive yet to scrape the hero blobs off harriet

I heard you get both knees down at the same time eh??? eh??

I don’t think I’ll even try that on my bike


don’t u mean you were right turning instead of you was. If your gonna attempt lame insults then at least do it right!

good work mate

oh you slapper, well you would know love…


Found an even better round about: