yellow lines on approach to roundabouts

Has anyone experienced problems with the yellow lines posted across the carraigeway on the approach to some roundabouts?

They seem to be only on fast roundabouts as well.

The first time I saw some I almost lost the bike, they made me feel giddy and I was unable to judge my speed.

The next time I came across them I tried to focus only on the roundabout ahead but because they were in my peripheral vision they had the same effect of making me unable to judge my speed correctly and also making me unable to focus on the hazards ahead.

Another time when I came onto them I decided to slow right down but I couldn’t tell how fast I was decelerating and locked up the front. (probably on the yellow paint)

Is it just me or are these lines more hazardous than safe?

Just you.

someone had to say it

They’re usually on the approach to roundabouts coming off a motorway - you should always check your speedo then as after riding at speed for a while, your speed judgement is way out (well mine is) i.e. you think you’re doing 20 approaching the roundabout when in fact you’re doing more like 50 ! :w00t:

They are horrible. No matter what speed they do throw you about. I don’t think they were thinking of bikes when they came up with this slowing down method.

If you find them disorientating that is what they are meant to do - they are designed to slow you down. If you approach the roundabout too fast you will suffer the intended visual effects.

You may be going over them too fast ? They shouldn’t cause a problem unless possibly in the wet ? If your brakes are locking up then try applying then gently first then squeeze harder once the weight has transferred forward, or give yourself more time to brake.

They make my bike go Badoom Badoom Badoom:D

Some can be worse than others, maybe slow down upon approach and see if that helps :smiley:

Or was it Badoomph Badoomph Badoomph?:hehe:

lol hows it go…

If they’re genuinely making you feel sick, I’d suggest two things:

  1. Slow down, they are designed to disorientate with the aim of making you slow down.

  2. Go and have a word with your GP… if you’re feeling sick, there may be some brain issue that could indicate some bigger problem. I’m not saying you’re in trouble, but my mate had the same problem, went to see a doc, and he was diagnosed with epilepsy… wasn’t a bad thing, it helped clear up loads of other problems he’d been having…

All I’m saying is actually feeling sick isn’t a normal reaction…