I dont care what anyone thinks or says about it…everyone who rides a bike SHOULD wear the right gear, which is NOT shorts or tshirts or trainers?
What sort of example of common sense is it to get on a bike without it?? and to take a pillion in same sort of gear is just bluddy stupid ! if u want to end up with scraped up, scarred skin, or worse lose an arm or leg, thats your stupid fault, but to have a pillion do same, when you are supposed to be in control? NAH !!!
OK so lets see, you are going just round the shops, your son or daughter wants to go for the ride? so you jump on your gixser,kawak,R6,CBR what the feck ever…in your shorts and tshirt and helmet (cos its hot and you might dehydrate and so loose more of your road sense and concentration WTF???) and your littleun does same…cos they might get too hot as well…then they get hit by loose chippings on the road, stinging their legs, the heat from the bike, burning their legs…the sun burning their arms
Then theres you…the same stones hitting your legs (and that burns like f and we all know it !!! And worse still, some bugger pulls out in front of you, you cant miss them, hit them sideways, kiddie comes off, along with yourself, and you both end up having to have skin grafts or worse still lose a limb…now…for YOU?..you asked for it for being so dumb, for your kiddie…again YOU asked for it for being so dumb
IF you say, oh well i wouldnt let MY kid on my bike unless in the right gear…fine, to be commended…but what about, if you, in your tshirt etc end up scarred up etc…what do you think the effect of that will have on your kid, and your missus???
If we are supposed to be responsible for our own bikes and the way we RIDE our own bikes, (and its hard enough taking crap from jealous car drivers etc…then we SHOULD be responsible enough to know that effing tarmac hurts !!!
Sorry, but thats my opinion…guess im entitled to that…if you feel its too hot and that extra heat with leathers on will make you lose concentration on your bike??? err, guess you shouldnt be riding your bike in hot weather then…i mean COME ON !!