wot a gret video

just watched this like 10 times…wot a fantastic video…

is it real?..anyways,for some reason it put a sissy lump in my throat…lol



Wont work :frowning:

i missed out the phuckin A in great!!:laugh::laugh::laugh: smiled:D.

Does now…

http://youtube.com/watch?v=bKRZv6NGjdc :smiley:

Cheers Mark :slight_smile:

That is a freaky one :cool:

I wonder if those two have had sex together.

i knew you would say that john…lolol:Dsmiled:D.

But i bet you pictured it in your head smiled.:smiley:

gag me with a phookin spoon!!!:w00t:

do have to admit tho…i did think of that questrion myself…lol


That is GAY! LOL!

There is something just sooo wrong about that pair:D

It was a very good video though

I just wish she had ironed her costume… What?:w00t:… She wasn’t wearing one?;):smiley:


Why is it gay.

Oh… Well I just meant gay in a silly way. LOL… I admit I was surprised when the dude tossed that chic right up in the air!

to my 15 year old everything is so GAY…but I hope I can still move and do something special when I am that age…ooh bloody hell I am nearly that age already…

the song put me to sleep…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

& the vid is just wrong.

it put a lump in yout throat ai! you sure it was yout throat…:smiley:

I reckon they’ve done the deed!