WOOOOHOOOO! Passed DAS...Roll on R1

I love my 2CT’s. Good on the road, and kept me upright around Silverstone.

I’ve got 10 porsches, me.

Well I’ve got twenty…and a helicopter…and a boat…and I’ve done 190mph on the back wheel on a CB125…with Caprice on the back…

LOL. Can I borrow your helicopter? My cruise ship has broken down.

erm its erm in for repair

‘Cruise ship’…there’s always one flash f*cker

Is “cruise ship” slang for a ZX12, or a Busa…?

WTF ???

Well I happen to have my own Concorde thats been specially brought back in service just for me, an aircraft carrier and all the harriers onboard are mine oh and I have a real life Donnington Park laid out in my back garden

Pah ! tis nothing!

My manservant looks after my fleet.

I belive I have two cages from Italy - one yellow called a Lingustini or something and one red called Fiorochi or something- you will have to contact Jeeves if you are really interested to know.

Well I own the world so ner

Yeah but my dads bigger than your dad…

My dads got a pair of stilts!!!

Yeah but my brothers biggest man in the world and I own the world and all of its wealth so I am the big daddy Everyone else has to understand the true greatness of my bestiness and realise that I have everything

Bit of an update. Rode to work for the first time this morning. 6:30 AM was freezing on the M25, was wet and windy. The Metz K2 road legal slicks are absolutely $hit. Anyway, left work an hour early and got my Bridgestone BT014’s fitted. Only downside was that the heavons had opened, I had just put on 2 new tyres that needed scrubbing in, new brake pads that needed bedding in and the fact that I had only just passed my driving test 2 days ago. Conclusion on the way back home was the Bridgestone BT014’s were SUPERB, it was easy to turn the bike into the corner now and the grip was there even in the wet. Highly recommended.


Well firstly congrats mate on passing ya DAS…Secondly just wanna let folk know I have 2 Porsches

One at the front of the house and one at the back…The front one is Double glazed throughout and the back one leads onto my lovely garden patio.

Hi Drei, no worries dude…I am 29 mate and passed the DAS 2 days ago.

I know what you mean about the speed. I haven’t gone mad yet as I am getting used to the bike as you can appreciate. Done 70mph in first today and 130mph in 3rd. On the rise but steadly.

Yeah what he said.

Looking at the driver gives you a good idea about what they may do next.

The youngster that has just passed driving test and is quickly looking left to right at a junction before pulling out…They’re not really looking.

The muppet on the mobile.

The elderlies squinting over the steering wheel.

The chavs giving it large in their ****ter, smoking a joint whilst nodding their heads to 50 Cent.

You get the idea…I also find looking at the wheel of a car at a junction quite beneficial as if it moves then I immediately use the horn and take evasive action.

Can be quite difficult though when (usually the chavs) the car has those STUUUUUUPID spinning rims.

well done ol son!! wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrpppppppp!!


Cheers fella’s.

AfroR6 - You know the score mate.

On a separate note, got the new bridgestone’s on and changed the front pads on Friday afternoon…what happens?





It absolutely p!55es it down with rain. So here I am with new tyres yet to be scribbed in properly, new brake pads to be bedded in properly and a rider on a R1 who’s only had 2 days riding experience who needs to get from Watford to Heathrow.

Result turned out to be not as bad as I thought as the Bridgestones were feckin ACE and the R1’s braking is pukka. Good experience was that ride.

To be honest mate in a straight line your bike wouldnt be far behind his R1 hardly at all if at all. New 600’s are so light and super revy. Get your bike stuck in the red in every gear and I guarantee you there would be not much more than a bike length in it.

My brother had a dyno jetted 120bhp Blade some years back and when I got my ZX6 in a straight line nailing it he used to pull about 4 bike lengths on me and that when 600s were heavier and only made 100bhp. Now yours probably puts out 115bhp at the wheel ish and is super light you would be surprised. The R1 would infact muller you on torque but straight line throttle wide open diff story.