Woo hoo!

I’ve had a letter from my insurance company about the bike I crashed on 17/10/08. They’ve offered me £3325 for it, which as my excess was £250 means they’ve valued my bike at £3575, which isn’t too bad as I only paid £4k for it in May (Brand New) and I had put 6k miles on the clock already.

I’m quite relieved they’re writing it off, as I’m obviously not riding again (for a while, at least :wink: ) and the damage wasn’t really that bad, mainly cosmetic. I was woried about having to go through the trouble of selling it when I got it back, what with it being winter,in a recession, and I would have had to field some difficult questions about the reasons for selling it.

I had an idea they might write it off when I spoke to the repairers a couple of weeks ago, when they said that they could repair it, but only if they put an aftermarket exhaust on - an original Suzuki part was going to cost £900!

Nice one Johnse1! :slight_smile: You can put the money in a jam jar marked ‘for next bike’ ;):D.

I think Wendy would probably beat me up, and then put it in her pot marked “New Kitchen” :smiley:

Great news.

As it’s panto season (oh yes it is)…Surely she wouldn’t hit a man with one arm?

buy her a new microwave mate, keep her happy and get another bike with the rest, :smiley:

you looked at the trike route john ?

That really is good news. No insurance assessor should be suggesting third-party after-market bits for what is an almost new bike but either way, as you say, you wouldn’t want to be selling it right now.

hooray!! closure to part one. good on ya buddy.

Great news!!!

Go halves - see if you can find a new bike before she decides what goes where in the new kitchen (bet you win)!:slight_smile:

Sadly Wendy doesn’t like bikes, and since my off she has said I can’t have another bike, and if I do get one she’ll divorce me. I have 4 kids, so I’d be paying shed loads in maintenance, and she would have half my pension. Besides the only way she would go halves would be cutting me in half! She’s so feisty that I have to go to bed wearing my stab proof vest:D

This post was an error caused by an arm deficiency…

my missus said that I can have as much A**L S*X as I want if I give up the bike… wonder if I can find a new missus, buy her a bike and get the same deal… hmmm…

I know that some girls think our bike habits are a pain in the a*%e but this is a new one.:slight_smile:

That’s quite a result John:)

Have they given you an option to buy it back off them? If so, did they say what cat. it would be?

No they haven’t mentioned it, but I’d be suprised if it was anything other than a cat c or d, it is still rideable. I think the stumbling block was the exhaust, although there was also a small dink in the front wheel. I did think about phoning them and discussing it with them, but Wendy didn’t want me to buy it back and have it lying around the house for months:rolleyes:

Mate my bike has been rebuild 3 times now:):slight_smile: and if mine was can’t see yours not being the same:) 1 time was due to my membership to the BCR club lol:):slight_smile: that was probably the worst and last accident for me, my leathers suffered and my rear subframe had to be replaced.

Had 1 wheel straightened and then replaced, about 4 pairs of mirrors, 3 sets of fairings, subframe, 2 pairs handlebars, front light replaced 3 times, front bracket 3 times, engine casing 1 time… probably other things.