WMV - Dozy Bugger Drivers

Coming down Old Kent Road, here http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Old+Kent+Road&sll=53.592505,-4.042969&sspn=22.332785,53.393555&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Old+Kent+Rd,+London+SE1,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.488134,-0.076596&spn=0.000623,0.003259&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.488134,-0.076596&panoid=tnUWxTi09PgPL2fvxxKXYw&cbp=11,320.27,0,10.93

Now there are no road works there now. I was in the left hand lane to go straight, clear ahead of me, van in middle lanes decides to swing straight out and starts pushing me into the pavement. I nailed the throttle and just made the gap, taking his mirror out with my shoulder and just clipping the edge of the kerb with my rear wheel. Talk about close. No indicating, no looking, no fecking caring! Gave him the usual birdy sign and pissed off through the traffic, keeping a cool head. Spotted police officers further down the road on bikes, looking to pull people over. Perhaps I should have stopped and chatted to them?

def should have stopped and told them, no doubt if hes that much of a muppet he will have no license or insurance or something.

fvck mate!! Old Kent rd is notorious for bad driving! (you know this already tho)
well done on not freezing up and trying to slow down… big cohones!! :smiley:

No point stopping, they just do not care. I avoid this sort of thing daily and actually have pretty good road craft in terms of urban riding. I’ve done some advanced training and what nots, but it all came to the fore today, “WHERE IS MY ESCAPE ROUTE!!!” and pin the throttle for that little light at the end of the tunnel. After that is a case of chill, relax and get on with the ride. 2 seconds ago is literally that, behind you , so you focus and sort the rest of your ride out. I love sports rubber on the front tyre! I had to take anti-inflammatory tablets today just to get my back moving again, prolapsed disc is playing up, so you can imagine that I am taking it reasonably quietly… well, sort off. Still had a nice ride after that though.:smiley:

wow, lucky escape… i dont think i would have been in a good enough state to carry straight on :smiley:

Nicely done Sir!

close call …remember you also have that other added feature …Horn button …

My focus is getting out of the way, not hooting and hurting afterwards… No point hooting when it will make no difference.:wink: