Wide vehicle

Done it. Rode the Pan into London yesterday … yeee ha! … busted ribs n’all. Bike was far less daunting than I’d thought … seemed to get through most of the gaps. It did slow me down but that a good thing … right? Watch out for Big Red … don’t get behind me for a while as it’s not quite as easy to get over quickly to let you through.:wink:

The riding style is great … really like it … Sh*t! … I’ve gotten old. :w00t:

It’s not that bad is it, plus the mirrors pop on and off nice and easy!:smiley:

think it like that with all new bikes till you get use to it and the fear factor has gone, then you wont be so slow ha good luck

Sounds like you really enjoyed it…Good stuff! :slight_smile:

I rode it again today. It’s not as wide as you imagine and is reasonably flickable. Got it leaning over as well. I took the top box off and revised the rear pre load … made a lot of difference. Good bike. Still want me little FZ1 back though really missing it’s deliquent tendancies :smiley: actually there my delinquent tendancies.