Depressing Isn’t it???
I wonder how long old Orange wig would last doing that on the Kilburn High Road before his nuts were dngling from the nearest lampost???
lol well it made me laff when they got up all smiling, have to try that one day, just kick someone then say ‘smile your on tv’ lol
Well what can I say this is the country that is known for it’s “friendly fire”…
Laughed at their stupidity
Just had a thought perhaps we could adopt this for Barro’s Charity ride… Good kick in the nuts and it’s OK it’s for charity…
well the americans are stupid…if i got hit there id deck em not shake there hands and laugh. {thats if i had nuts}x
Looks setup to me. Wouldn’t he be morely to get a bullet in return, rather than a handshake?
I hope ya right Jay cos if that happened to me or my kid then Id tear that f33ker another arsehole !!
Yep I can imagine that, somebody trying that with you would be staring down the end of a sawed-off double-barro
FWIW if somebody tried that with me I’d kick the crap out of them too. Looks totally staged to me, they aren’t even kicking where it hurts, more like slightly above the groin. Check the guy getting pwned outside his house that asks for the police at first. That’s no proper kick in the nuts by the looks of it.