Who wants to meet me???


Being a newbie, who wants to meet me? BMM this Weds! :D:D

Unless torrential rain, ill be there. Hopefully accompanied by my good woman. :cool:

not sure if I’ll be attending. feeling a bit grotty :frowning:

Met you so your excused!

… — .-. .-. -.-- / .-… . .-- … … / -… …- - / .-- . / -.-. .- -. / -. — - / – .- -.- . / … -


Get lost you spanner

Sorry Shiver if our Morse Code reply upset you :ermm:

Takes one to know one :slight_smile:

Me?? a good woman?? ahahaha feck off… :D:D

ah ok, i’ll be at BMM this week. Made it once last year on pillion, and i’m thinking i shall be riding my own bike (shock horror) :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Aww you always try to get involved.

Lewis will understand this JOKE.

Sorry jetstream you know i luv you really

I might come this week, if I can leave work before midnight lol :slight_smile: And if it’s not a monsoon tropical waterfall like today.

hahahahahahaha :wink:

im game! will u be wearing a board with i am lewisR6 on it?

Only if u let me ride ur bike :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus id rather meet Mel :wink: She likes my muffin, sorry muffins :wink: :smiley:

its ok your just simple thats all

I’ll buy the coffee Ally if you come, and we can visit the shop opposite and share a sausage :D:D

Muffins and sausuages what a night :wink:

Well turn up and see!

Alli…You can ride my bike for sure!

Thats if i dont knock it off the step trying to get mine out this afternoon… lol oooer :doze:

Id need to try and get my other sidis and i dont really see me riding ur bike with motorcross boots do you? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: