Who remembers Tomorrows World??

I remember it well. Loved it! Bit of escapism for me!

Surely that was David Blain’s World;):smiley:

Remember the programme well. A life long sceptic, I still found some of the stuff fascinating.

Raymond Baxter was such a great presenter of the old school. I always thought he had a good grasp of whatever subject he was presenting, particularly if mechanical.

Judith Hann always seemed a bit too “butch” to fancy. Maggie Pilbin, like Woolard, always seamed a bit lightweight compared to Baxter.

But your right. Where’s my jet pack?

What about 3D stereo? Towards the end of it’s TV life, TW did a demo of 3D surround using just stereo speakers where they could place different instruments behind you, left and right of you. One of the big bands of the time (can’t remember who) actually released a 3D stereo single and it worked.

I think the surround sound amp and speaker industry has surpressed the genius that is 3D surround! :smiley:

Er… Isn’t sound, by it’s nature, pretty much always 3D assuming some reflective surfaces?

Now where did I leave that jetpack?

I know your post is from years ago but yes, i totally remember! I remember some people coming to my high school, Castle Rushen, and talking abour Kelp Krunchies, and letting us sample them!

I remember the people being very enthusiastic abour their product, and I remember how tasty the Kelp Krunchies were! Never forgotten them! :blush:

Yesterday’s World :wink:

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