Who nabbed my motivation?

Can I have it back please?

This commercial letter isn’t going to write itself you know.:ermm:

It was me and ill sell it back to you for a small fee:D

or a ride on your triumph:)

is it for work, rest or play?
My work motivation is ending soon, my rest motivation…well never needed much for that and I’m I have no problem with my play motivation at the moment :smiley:

Well my ‘get up and go’, got up and went years ago!:stuck_out_tongue:

The last person that tried to ride my Triumph got a short sharp thwack, and he didn’t like it! :wink:

If I could channel my play motivation to my work motivation then I’d be steaming through this!

ive never been thwacked b4…sounds fun though:)

thwacked is 1 step down from a whack and slightly ahead of a cuff

mines back now the snows gone…

motivation is a bugger, sometrimes you just cant be arsed…alwasy be arsed to go fishing tho!:smiley:

I know what I’m going to do next time we meet!

Kick you up the arse to give you some motivation, now move it!!! :D:P;)

My roundtoit is available if you need it ;):wink:

My motivation has never been better because business is finally starting to look up :smiley: 2010 is my year :wink: