where back again!!

Hope you like my film making attempt


wheelies getting better!!! gina’s got a good stoppie clip on her phone and a couple of wheelies where i manage to find nuetral!!doh!

them stoopies look like there getting higher mate!!!

there bl’##dy great im well chuffed with him!! thanks biscuit for takeing the vids to.xx

and if anyone knows how to get them from my phone to the pc then help!!!
im having a spot of bother doing this…even the softwears playing up!!!pooooie!!!

can you not bluetooth them from phone to pc?

ino that was awesome id be happy if i could do that standrad confidently…

Excellent work

stoppies amazin tried to do it but s**t out at the last minute for fear of breakin my bike

Looking good Adam

be more impressive if gina was on the back!!!

we craked it on the way home from borough market on wed eve!!! they were good ones as well!!

now iv got to learn how to hold on and do a vid at the same time!!!

mind u i am a woman and i can multifuntion!!