What sort of music pr*ck are you?

What sort of music prick are you?

MUSIC is one of humanity’s greatest creations but there are still loads of ways to be a real prick about it. Which type of music prick are you?
Obscure music prick
You and a bunch of other pale ale drinking irritants will suddenly hate Tongan shadow funk the moment it goes mainstream. You eat in restaurants where they only serve cereal.
Pop prick
Your entire music collection has been informed by Capital Radio and not one of your favourite artists has less than half a billion YouTube views. Your definition of a classic is Flying Without Wings by Westlife.
Vinyl prick
You can bleat on for hours about the differences between analogue and digital sound. You enjoy the technical details of music more than the actual sounds. You have never had sex.
Sexy dance music prick
You love playlists with pictures of models in bikinis called things like ‘deep twat-flex chillax house groove mix’. Your idea of raving is take steroids for a month and then fly to Ibiza to do the running man with your top off. You have made house music horrible.
Modern music is terrible prick
For you all music stopped being good after 1975. You delight in smugly comparing Coldplay to The Beatles and saying your generation birthed rock and roll and influenced everything. You neglect to mention your generation is now a group of property-fixated pissheads who ruined the world for your children.

I am most definately in the last category of “Modern music is terrible” but I have extended the date up to and including 1979

After that IMHO it just turns to mushy cr@p :wink::grinning:

In fact, I was checking my albums in the car and just about if not all are pre 1980 artists such as The Who, Electric Light Orchestra, CSN&Y, Billy Joel, Beatles, Status Quo, Elton John, Queen,

I have nobody that actually started later in the 80’s or 90’s and nothing from the turn of the century onwards.

So maybe it is an accurate guide :slightly_smiling_face: Although forget the pisshead bit as I am teetotal and have been since the 70’s

None of those. I’m an electronic music is better than anything else type of prick. Been listening to synthwave for a few weeks now non-stop. Here’s a good playlist if anyone wants to have a go: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2R0OPkOjSI3AzpnC0VCbs5.

Tbh, my music taste changes with my mood. I used to listen to a lot of electronic music, then switched to death metal for a few years, kind of grew tired of it and returned to the electronic roots. I guess being a software developer has some influence on my choice of music too.

That, is truly awful… doing some refactoring and if anything it’s got me making it worse

50 / 60’s & Prog Rock Prick (inc ‘Pete is better than Phil’ Prick)

Don’t own my own home.
No kids.

im all
i listern to all types of music

On a more serious note