What`s yer favourite furry creature?

so you admit you like a furry beaver then ?

someone had to ask


and Dags:w00t::smiley:

yeee… I like Dags all right…
I like this one in particular
and I don’t like caravan more!!! :smiley:




Turbo Beaver anyone?

fancy being blown away by a beaver …

and no videos please lol

Someone just sent us a pic of Kevsta and Sootie:

barney riding atop the FV432

wombat of course!

In a thread that’s already been through pussy and beaver you just couldn’t resist a bit of Snatch then… :smiley:

a nice ass…

Is that for stroking or eating?

Love most rodents, mainly Degus :

All Cats big and small…
Specially the Lynx and my moggies at home :smiley:

Lastly is big dogs/Wolves… Like german sheperds/Huskies :slight_smile:

Bet you run out of extension cable pretty quickly with this one, or is she rechargeable?:smiley: