What`s yer favourite furry creature?

Following the undoubted succcess of “What`s yer favourite tree”

Quote, “A tour de force” The modern arborialist monthly.

We humbly present our favourite furry creature of the week, their dignity in the face of canine savagery was an example to us all:P

“Santa loves all alpacas even ginger ones”:smiley:

I’d have to say Ginger, especially his back :smiley:

Pussy. :slight_smile:

Bears or big cats


When an animal has earned you as much as this cover photo has earned, it has to be your favourite -



Favourite furry animal is a lovely fluffy bunny rabbit :slight_smile:
curried :wink:

I agree with NinjaJunkie pussy, as in my pussy cat Sootie.



Our Ferrets:D



Sootie has been on Kev’s meds :smiley:

Well she loves sleeping in the bed. And as I’m sleeping most afternoons due to the meds then I do often wake up with a warm furball next to me.

Funnily thats what Sootie said about you :smiley:

I love cats too - but is this legal?! :rolleyes:

My fav isn’t exactly furry but i love…

If we are talking any furry animal then dogs have to win but if we are talking non domesticated then chimps are my all time fave, so intelligent and I think they are beautiful, I used to adopt the fellla Charlie below at Moneky World but sadly he passed away earlier this year :frowning:

Is that when you took Curtis as a replacement?

Lol, funnily enough the two events did take place not too far apart :stuck_out_tongue:

Well there is no shadow of a doubt that my two boys, Odie & Jackson are my favourite furries - however I do squeal with excitment when I see Japanese Macaques just because they are soo lovely :crazy: :hehe:




Beaver :stuck_out_tongue: ok somebody had to say it!