what riding style are you?

Relaxed and laid back. Does no mean that I am all that slow though… :smiley: Best thing is to be smooth and constant. I was following an SV this morning that was hairing from the lights each time and I ended up filtering past him in the end…

Normally i ride safe and keep to speed limit. If i see a huge stretch of road and little traffic i go bonkers, its not often i get to open up my throttle in central london :smiley:

sorry…obviously dindnt think of that option



I would say I’m aggressive, I hate everybody on the road, I have to overtake them on the outside, that gap is easily big enough as I yell to the missus to squeeze her knees in, but that is only my opinion, you have to ask any witnesses, they may think I’m laid back, Feck what do I know, I just want to have fun…:wink:

id say that im aggressive all the time. thats why i got me mop-head:D:P;)

I don’t think of myself as that aggressive but my instructor did have to stop me from riding in my London commuter style to get me through the test.

I enjoy the sound of the engine, little flicks, head thrust back, that type of thing. So aggressive maybe but not angry (hardly ever anyway).

It really does all centre around the gear that I have on, 2 pce leathers or all weather kevlar then Im a brisk 45 in a 30 kind of rider. But if Im wearing my 1 pce leather romper suit… move over doctor.

I’d agree with the aggressive-v-angry theory , extracting every last ounce out of the bike using the road to its limit and really going for it concentrates the mind fully, nothing exists outside of making that next bend and caning it till the last millisecond before using all your braking power to just get you…i wont go on you get what i mean. But getting angry with the cager that wont get out your way causing you to get right up his ar*e is only gonna land you in trouble