What do you call a jewish obstacle course?

A Shlalom

Another attempt at a “peace” of humour.

Would of been better if their wasn’t a spelling mistake.



I know! :flushed:

Would’ve, not would of. Spelling mistake backatchya!

[quote] Would of been better if their wasn't a spelling mistake. --- Cypher [/quote]

Would’ve, not would of. Spelling mistake backatchya!


its not a spelling mistake 

Cypher was using the correct way to spell 

Would’ve is short for would have, not would of

which is a grammatical error, not a spelling error


Wow, that got pedantic pretty quick

That should be “pretty quickly”:thinking:

That should have been

[quote] That should be “pretty quickly”🤔 --- Minotaur # 3 [/quote]

That should have been

Shouldn't that have been ..


Nah over  three days to pan out … proper pedantry is instant in this place

I’m glad everyone noticed my intentional misspelling :relieved: