Wet Tuesday Morning Roll Call

Ay up treacles.

Unsure what the weather is like as I’m still yet to leave that warm comfy bed. :laugh:

Ride safe out there and I’ll see your pretty faces tomorrow :slight_smile:

Morning kiddies

its raining

lucky really my garden need a much needed water :smiley:

Poor afternoon guys. Well it’s not good and it’s not morning.

You must have company in there :wink:

Not any more. lol

he left to go to work earlier.

Was there cake?

Just tiramisu this morning. :Wow:

Good afternoon LBers ~ too much info treacle

All the necessary bits n bobs duly delivered by boys n girls in red yesterday, assembly grease delivered by some rouge courier today, just need to get into spanner mode now

Ride safe out there

It was Tesco’s finest, Art…


click n collect :wink: