Welcome to the new LB site!

Unfortunately I have to agree, I dont like the basic look and feel to the site now. I never had a single problem with the mobile version (android) not looked on a PC yet so may be better. But like all things it will take time to get used to and considering how good the previous site was im sure this new one will be better once its all finished.


Actually, that’s a point, is Stylish still a thing? If all of us who think there’s room for improvement actually try it out ourselves we’d probably be a little better at giving feedback :slight_smile: And, if Jay doesn’t like it, we still have the forum looking how we think it ought to…

I used Stylebot (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylebot/oiaejidbmkiecgbjeifoejpgmdaleoha?hl=en) in my Chrome to make the website look more to my liking.

Here are my rules/overrides if anyone’s interested: http://pastebin.com/yuANCdTT

It’s a bit messy e.g. with .btn-danger overrides (why make submission buttons red?) but it works.

deep breath Jay, deep breath :smiley:

Cypher, nicely done mate. I like it.

add this at the end:

span.ml10.mr10 {
color: #999999;


You’re banned Cypher.

Lol, great minds think alike! I actually added the same rule and updated the Pastebin link (you must’ve seen the initial one) except I had it as white but now realised that page numbers are invisible on the Latest page. #777 seems to work well though.

I trust Facebook and Google less than anything on this earth.

Rusty99, they selling your details not your identity.:slight_smile:


Help! How do I stop getting notifications???

Top of the page look for “following topic” button and click on it.


Phew! Thank you!

Hi Jay, I have a small problem , the e-mail that I first used years ago for LB does not work anymore, but I didn’t update my Lb account to the new one so now I have had to log in under a new name “…” is it possible to change this some how to my old user name “Rosso” . Please.

Was wondering who’s that troll :stuck_out_tongue:


just little old me lol.

Jay will sort you out mate…


Email [email protected] with your old email address and full name Rosso and I’ll look at it for you.

Lots of great feedback all, we really appreciate it. And we will get new features up and running ASAP.

We have such a big vision for LB and this is just the beginning, but fundamentally that vision begins with you, the community.

Please, please bear with us as we furiously devote our (entire) social lives to this. Site redevelopment to meet the ever changing needs of the community takes a lot of (free) time. We do it because we are so passionate about what we can provide, enable and inspire through the community. And be inspired by you.

Come on board. This isn’t an evolution… It’s a fucking revolution!! :smiley:

