We are back guys! Sorry for the delay! LB is now being hosted by a set of new super-computers, which will allow us to have the next step on build the best bike online community released soon! Thanks for you pacience!!!
Enjoy the site…
We are back guys! Sorry for the delay! LB is now being hosted by a set of new super-computers, which will allow us to have the next step on build the best bike online community released soon! Thanks for you pacience!!!
Enjoy the site…
Woohoo! We wanted this to go a little smoother and not have any down-time, but these things rarely go as planned, despite the most rigorous planning made in advance! Still, we’re here now and it’s only been 12 hours, rather than 48 which can sometimes be the case.
Things should be a little faster straight away, though there’s more to come in the near future as we start to make use of the superness of the new servers. Please let me know if there any any teething troubles you come across.
This should be the last time we have to take the site offline for long while now! If you want to help us run this site, please support LB by getting a T-Shirt!
its ok i could handle a day without it, only a day mind & thanks Cezar i got my stickers and when i get my bike wednesday ill stick them to it…
At last
My fix
Pleasure mate! Thanks for your support
Wicked … nice job!
Jay, I’ll have one of those T-shirts in black when they become available in that colour!
Nice one guys you must have a good decorator, the new home looks just like the old one!
Going to buy a couple of t-shirts now. Who do i send a cheque to?
Nope Weaver, but thanks for the headsup.
Year One Racing, check this page out for details, there’s an email address on there to contact:
Good news ‘Site seems faster for sure’ - I almost had to do some work today…
New features… I’m still waiting for the mini-moto event
nice one peeps! Keep it up
Harrah, we’re home!
Well done Jay, it seemed longer than 12 hours. I can only liken it to a trip to the dentist when he says i was only in the chair for 20 mins but it seemed like an afternoon!!! 9
Im glad its back i had kittens last night
I was starting to get a bit lost the other night hehehehe