Wednesday Morning Roll Call

Im so ill i forgot to post everyones names up, what a donkey!!! And Gaz where’s my sympathy, your supposed to be my mate!!! Where’s the man love:crying::crying:

You’ve had more than enough man love from me!!! I threatened it before, now i’m telling Cat you keep propositioning me

I guess it is the morning, hope it’s a good’n for you all.

Oi rixxy, want a joint celebration? it’s mine on Friday! Everybody can buy me a round at the ace then bungee me on the back of a bike and take me home. :smiley:

Ahem. Offering for people to take you home? Hmmmm… :wink:

Hahaha i can picture it now lol Hannibal drunk… bungeed on the back of hannas bike:w00t::smiley:

talk about wheelie machine :Whistling:

Well I might get lucky, shame you don’t have a bike lol :smiley:

Don’t. Just don’t. Bad. Can’t get that picture out of my head now. :pinch:

I have a bike thank you very much. It just doesn’t work very well right now. :crying:

I could always dust off the little 125. Actually no, that mental image is even worse than the last!

i didn’t know londonbikers was a dating site??

You don’t know much then, you never heard of the London bikers dating section :stuck_out_tongue: It’s where me and Curtis met :slight_smile: and loads of other people have got together through here, in fact someone on here is expecting the 1st LB baby (not me before that rumour starts up again!!)

jeez i cannot get anything right today, im gunna go crawl back under the covers and stay there until i get better!!

Morning all.

I feel bit more like a biker today … found a scratch in my lid, got spattered with mud by a dumpster. Sheesh. Now Molly needs a good wash.

Morning all.

Early Happy Birthdays to Hannibal & Rixxy as we may be unable to post for a few days (don’t all cheer at once :D)

Hope you feel better soon Rixxy:)

Morning all, just:D

Afternoon peeps

You and Curtis must be so happy. :D:P

I know you are a cripple Kev but that won’t stop me from giving you a slap so watch it :stuck_out_tongue:

Afternoon :slight_smile:

Afternoon :slight_smile: Been stuck at uni all day :frowning: But must say that i love my new subjects as im actually really good at them :smiley:

Oh and Tiggy i will give u a hand slapping Kev if u like :wink: