Watch what you say on Forums.

I did mention to jay about a UK forum that was responsabilized in court for a fatal accident where the guys was instigated to ‘race’ in the forum by the forum organizers!

The person who told me it work for one of the best solicitors company in the UK and is of my entire confidence, a friend actually. She did say a bit more but i wont post it here.

This thing of free speach in forums are ok up to something goes wrong! They can and will use the forum in court if it’s necessary…

Chuffster… Nice one for pointing this out!!! Shhhhhhh

Interesting read… good tip given as well… Sun strips block the cameras view of the drivers face!

I drive my truck regularly on that section of M6,and I can say that the “Safety Camera vans” or mobile Tax collection points are on that section regularly.In fact be careful going northbound from the “Kendal and south Lakes junction” up to Carlisle. They tend to sit on bridges in the relativley deserted areas especially on Fridays and Mondays to catch the weekend husbands also the slip roads leading onto the M6 have Volvo T5’s regularly ,our friends use Binoculars to get your number just in case they cant catch ya.Here is a true story I was heading southbound in my truck which is 60foot long 16 ft high anyway as I am passing a downramp a Toyota Landcruiser towing a boat overtakes me on the flat doing about 60 mph (I am doing 56) anyway as we pass the down ramp one of our guardians pulls off the slip road and tucks himself in behind me and sits there for about two miles where there is a steep downhill gradiant .the chappie in the Landcruiser is obviousley enjoying the view and not noticing the downhill effect on his speed and our friend and guardian probably nabbed him for about 75 mph. I suppose that is his job to nick these people but he was travelling behind me no more than 10 feet for two miles using me as a shield so the Toyota woudnt see him.I dont think the overall stopping distance is 10 ft from 56mph.

Should have done an emergency stop mate, hehehe, it’d have been his fault! And no damage to your truck, I’d wager! hehehe…

You probably did Ghostie… I believe you…