**WARNING** Religious discussion

It is because of this powerful so called being, that the world is in such a state… no?

Oh, then there’s GB (George Bush)

, lol, you must be that dude outside Oxford Circus every Saturday then preaching about ‘cheeses’.

I also believe we are all adults and can easily discuss our opinions about this matter in a mature way and if someone is indeed offended then they simply do not have to open this topic (there is a warning label).

Just stay on topic with your opinions and it should be fine.

The problem I have encountered at my church is that my fellow church goers have no open mind about this matter. I have spent the least 4 years earning a degree in microbiology, which of course is where all the problems start because with the theory (it is a theory) of evolution life came from microbes that became organized through random chance occurances of “life materials” aggregating together to form very simple forms of life (probably just enzymes in the very very beginning).

Creationism however says that in 7 days God created everything, granted there is no reference to how long an actual day was during that time but there is indeed no mention of the origin of bacteria/archea despite the fact that fossil evidence shows they existed 3.5-3.8 billion years ago, for reference the earth is believed to be 4.5 billion years old. Man however only has fossil evidence dating back 300,000-400,000 years ago.

I realize that I challenge the dogma when saying that people during the time the bible were ignorant and didn’t know anything about life or it’s origins and simply accepted what a powerful organization told them at the time (anyone remember the Romans or Egyptians or Turks or Goths or Persians or Catholics)?

I am a believer in Christ and God and many things in the bible but how can anyone simply accept this inaccurate account of OUR history??? It baffles me how people cling to the bible for comfort when in fact they need to be challenging what is written because we are indeed a much more educated and civil people in this time and the word of God at that time needed to be simple so the people could understand and accept it.

…this is actually a serious fight that my ex-gf and I had, no wonder we split (damn fundamentalists)

You have to ask them if indeed they believe that god is omnipotent. Undoubtably they will say yes. To which you counter that if god is truly infinite, unlimited in his power, then how can any of his works be described by mere words?

How can a book be anything more than a guide? To assume you know “the truth” by reading an account transcribed by indisputably finite mortals, is flagrant arrogance.

Make it a spiritual argument rather than a logical one…

“RELIGION - Another way of saying, you haven’t the backbone to stand up and admit, that yes you will only live for approximately 80 years, then you will die and rot and that is genuinely all there really is to life. The truth hurts.”

Nice…this made me laugh out loud…and sums up my feelings on the subject quite well.

its simple we are here now creationism or evolution does it honestly matter we have all we need food ,people ,trees ,birds(both kinds) bikes. why bother urself where we came from focus on where we are going, i refer you to a line from the hindu text the rik veeda which says he who rules from highest heven he knows or he may not know ,(woah that was amazing i wrote all that clever stuff and normaly the best i can muster is put a bigger engine in)

so all in all we are either here through a divine creation or lucky cosmic **** up but does it actualy matter

deeep man

See I think it does matter when people get killed or more likely ostracised or penalised cos they don’t subscribe to the majority religious opinion. WE have it quite lucky in the UK in that, at the moment, religion is not intrinsically tied up with government and therefore legilsation and our daily way of life.

However I stress the “at the moment” part of that. The religious influence of the massive growth of Islam in the UK, the negative aspect of Muslim people feelign directly attacked by Christian armies as demonstrated by the current Iraq conflict…these are just two MAJOR religious issues which could bring religion to the forefront of our society once more…this Creationist bushwah is the beginning of the very powerful US religious lobby waving enough money around to get its outdated and in my opinion unrealistic views into the educational curriculum…

RELIGION is buying its way back into the public psyche…and with enough repetition, there are enough idiots out there that will genuinely start to believe that a Bearded dude did actually make us out of clay…

So yes it is important that this debate is kept open, and like we have to continue debating with neo-nazis and proving to them that foreigners aren’t evil and shouldn’t be shot, we need to keep debating with people who believe in God to show them that GOD in whatever guise you want to believe is NOT acceptable as part of a nationwide forced educational system.

You choose to believe in god, fine. YOU DO NOT EDUCATE ANY CHILD THAT YOUR BELIEF IS HOW HE OR SHE CAME ABOUT. Those children MUST be allowed to choose what to believe for themselves.

I’m a firm follower of the Christian Faith.

I believe that as the Creator He is the Enabler.

My academic studies of the Bible (including A-Level and Main Subject at college) reveal the TRUTH contained therein, not that the Bible is TRUE.

I cannot see how anyone can dispute Evolution except by believing the Bible is True, which clearly it isn’t.

An interesting post…what do you mean the “TRUTH” contained therein…?

Truth is usually synonymous with morals, that being said there are also usually two groups (beliefs)of “truths.” There is the soft truth and that shows that the truth is something that is ever changing and dynamic in its shape. The hard truth is like a rock and will live through the ages without changing in meaning or interpretation.

The Truth is what proves to me that my faith in the Divine Creator is not misplaced.

I could say, ‘Jesus is my Saviour! Hallelujah!’ and wave my arms about but it’s not my style and I think it’s a bit trite and lacks depth.

I prefer the ‘still small voice’ approach.

So to you it is something that confirms your faith through biblical evidence you have found within the bible?

What are your thoughts on creationism?

It is my belief that the Bible includes accounts of the way God touched the lives of people mentioned therein.

There is no way that all the stories can be true as in Fact; one only has to open a copy and read the very first two chapters to find three different accounts of the Creation, all conflicting with one another.

Go further on and read the story of Joseph; there one will find two different accounts woven into one narrative.

I don’t hold with Creationism, not least because the Book of Genesis does not contain absolute truths about the creation of kinds of life.

Very little research will reveal that the book we call the Bible was contributed to by many different sources over a period of many hundreds of years. How can it be True in the sense we usually give to the word?

I have no doubt that some of it is historical fact but am certain that some of it is interpretation of events which could not have been explained at the time.

For example, the Creations stories can only be that - stories, because the people living when they were told and written down and who needed an ‘explanation’ didn’t have the scientific knowledge we have today.

Many currently subscribe to the ‘Big Bang’ theory of the Creation of the Universe. Who is to say that in another fifty years another, more informed theory will not be nearer the truth?

These are my thoughts; it would be arrogant to assume everyone shares them so I don’t.

I’m an atheist, and don’t believe in any mombo jumbo, and I find it really hard to see how followers of any faith can pick and choose what they believe to be right out of thier good book - either it is right, or it’s all doodah.

Yes Cheese Mmmmmm I love going in to Neal’s Yard.

As for Religion well its what ever you believe in.

The indisputable results are in:


and the old fella wins this one too


Everyone should believe in something, the most important thing being yourself before you start believing what was written in a book 1500 years ago.

My sermon hath ended !

I’m very concerned you brought up Neal’s Yard…
FOr us and our way of life Neal’s Yard is as Christinas would say…the Vatican, or the Islamist’s and their holy Mecca.
I hope you rinsed your hands in the creamy goats cheese of passing and recited the 4 Oat Cake flavours unto the Great Lord Mature CHeddar…

Neal’s Yard ROCKS! Christmas Stilton and all

Anyone with a serious interest in this debate should really read http://www.amazon.co.uk/God-Delusion-Richard-Dawkins/dp/0593055489/sr=8-1/qid=1171926338/ref=pd_ka_1/202-8327652-3457419?ie=UTF8&s=books.

It may well change your outlook on life.

Slightly off the original topic, but if you are disillusioned with religion, just prefer not to base your life on dogmatic superstition or need something to replace the “spiritual” side of your life you should also check out Humanism. The British Humanist Association is a great place to start.

If the politics of the debate are of interest then see what the National Secular Association have to say on the matter.

You only need to look at the Catholic Church’s recent attack on equal rights to services legislation to see why this is such an important debate.

My friends mum’s funeral was done by a Humanist, the best service ever by a country mile…