Hi guys.
The problem I have is in heavy rain, my digital speedo goes nuts from 30-200+ mph and my FI indicator light comes on. I know it’s a wet problem not mechanical. Any ideas how or where to dry shield the electrics please?
Hi guys.
The problem I have is in heavy rain, my digital speedo goes nuts from 30-200+ mph and my FI indicator light comes on. I know it’s a wet problem not mechanical. Any ideas how or where to dry shield the electrics please?
WD40, I know it sounds funky but, find where all the relays are and then push all connections in firmly and spary whole area liberally with WD40 should stop this happening.
makes sense, WD40 is a waterproofer/disperser first and foremost, it just has magic bast@rd bolt unscrewing pedigree as well.
The WD is Water Disperser and it was the guys 40th attempt at making it. Though this may be an old wives tale akin to never dating a woman with hairy knuckles.
No I think it makes sense to never date a woman with hariy knuckles.
oh, wiki is great:
Apparently, WD40 cant help with hairy knuckles.
disolves cocaine though.
I’m not sure it that’s a benefit or a trauma.
Cheers Guys!
What do they say about girls with hairy knuckles ???