URGENT: Views on Chelsea Bridge Meet

Or dodgy broadcaster watching this thread???

and to be honest, theyre pretty crap from a design point of view- they just look like an office block

Or Gold fish bowl … and some right scruffy barstewards live in 'em as can plainly be seen as you come over the bridge. Inner section looks like its set up for Big Bro voyuers.

Legally when ever the Seller shows the property they have a (sue your asse otherwise) obligation to mention any issues, disputes or potential annoyances. Like demolition crews tunneling under the foundations

Chock? We’ve got parked planes here? Eh? Shocked, Cezar, shocked, that’s what I am!


Gonna be on bbc1 in 10 mins! Lets see what they’ve got to say

Watching it now

when the presenter said whats on… “coming up, the bikers ripping up the road on chelsea bridge”…

Im guessing very one sided then…

Yadda Yadda same old same old.

But something for us all to bear in mind next time we go to Cubana etc…

At least we had someone reppin the bikers!

Seemed more bias in favour of the residents…

Had some stupid american head of the tennants association talking about “i like to have fun as much as the next person but… bl;ah blah…”

then some labour counciller saying it is undermining all their efforts of road safety… then some dude with dreads on a R1 saying “it is the minority that like to show off and give us all a bad name”…

All the while showing vids of ped bois wheeling…

Wasent completely one sided… but the general overtone was that of dangerous bikers wheeling on red routes… due to all the footage of the ped bois…

Trouble is tho, that they are dangerous!! And the 'ped bois aren’t the only ones who would be seen as causing a disturbance. Most bikes rip up and down there, and I’ve given it large occaisonally.

Times are a changing, and we have to change too. If that means going somewhere else, then it wouldn’t be the first time.

And it certainly won’t be the last time that the minority dictate how the majority are treated.

But all the residents “evidence” seems to be off ped bois, theres a couple of bikes doing endo’s but thats about it…

Bah missed it…

On one hand the residents are right to grumble about the noise/nuisance caused by the minority, but as pointed out previously the few spoil it for the many… that said it’s a bit like buying a place downwind of a sewage farm and then complaining about the smell…

I can only see one outcome, and we’ll be the ones having to change. As it stands we are the ones committing all the offences and breaking the laws - we aren’t allowed to park on the pavement, nor the roads as it’s red or double yellows (if I remember correctly). All they are trying to do is enjoy a peaceful’ish night in.

So I expect there’ll be a rigorous enforcement policy put in place tonight until we stop going. That’s the easiest (for them) to do.

Won’t stop bikes razzing and backfiring as they make a detour to go past tho…

Did anyone get hold of a copy of the article?

I agree about parking on the pavement, however I expect that it will be more with a view to the fire brigade access.

If it’s a ‘redroute’ then don’t the restrictions stop at 19:00? If they stop bikes parking on the road (which no one currently does cos no one really parks their bikes on the road) they’d have to enforce this rule on the cabbies too and that could be interesting…

Non bikers don’t see Scooters and Motorbikes - so we’re all tarred with the same brush.

If they named this ‘head of residents association’ then we could get his address off the votors roll and then all write him a nice letter asking him to bear with us and work with us etc. It’s doomed to fail of course but just imagine is face when the postman comes knocking - priceless…

i first went to Chelsea Bridge in 1976 on my first set of two wheels, they also used to have the Chelse Cruise for the cars on a monthly basis.

Are these developers building anything interesting near Heathrow, maybe they are working “silent” agenda.

Between the BBC and the so called “residence association” i would be amazed if you had unbias report.

Call me cynical if you like but i wounder how many residence work for the BBC? Just a thought.

Money talks as they say and I doubt this owuld get the coverage if they built a load of ‘affordable’ homes on the site instead of luxury flats…

Maybe I’ll buy a place near heathrow then complain about airplane noise

These people are Runts with a capital C.

Its their own fault for not checking out the area first. No sympathy here.

Long live the bridge!

BBC1 Now, news being re-run

It’s online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/realmedia/news/tvnews.ram

Fast forward to about 13 minutes into the clip. I’ll buffer the stream and archive it for later viewing, update soon.