Urban Exploration

Hey peeps, not been on here for ages for a few reasons. Anyway, whilst convalescing from an op at the tail end of last year which prevented me from riding, amongst other things, I happened across the pursuit of urban exploration, namely exploring abandoned, derelict buildings and rooftopping too. I also got into some photography as a consequence - check some of my snaps here http://londonbikers.com/forums/Topic696768-81-1.aspx

I was wondereing if there are any other urban explorer’s here on LB?


i wanna be one, after seeing your pics , very cool :smiley:

Amazing pictures Shando.

cheers dudes, if you like 'em check my flickr stream here http://www.flickr.com/photos/shando_/ for sh*t loads more from derelict mental asylums to swimming pools and loads more inbetween :wink:

Spend some of my spare time on 28 Days Later http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/index.php?s=22cf20562b48495f8e0efa0d38ab52ef

Used to be into photography in a big way, but no longer own a SLR.

Best Explore to date was probably the now demolished West Middlesex Hospital… http://www.flickr.com/photos/fishfingers/sets/72157600235457348/

Yeah, I I know 28DL mate but don’t frequent it too often as they have too many ‘rules’ which kinda goes against what I’m about. I frequent www.talkurbex.com which is a relatively new urbex site started late last year by a few top urbex names in UK & Europe.

Just checked that flickr link bro, awesome set. ‘Brain Slices’ is my fave. Gotta love the Morgue shotts dude, check these bad boys http://www.flickr.com/photos/shando_/sets/72157623312577430/


Wow Shando. Amazing pics and good for you!

Those places look amazing. real gems hopefully no longer lost due to ‘people like you’ Would love to see the victorian pumping station!

cheers mate, if you like the pump station the set is here http://www.flickr.com/photos/shando_/sets/72157623719527454/

This place has become a sensation lately, my urbex buddy and I were the first in this place :smiley:

As I already said in the Photography section - if you need a buddy to explore the sites like that - I’m in.

Amazing pics, in fact the first one almost looks like a painting. Many years ago we went off exploring a local small shut down hospital and it was amazingly eerie, things left almost like people had fled with a moments notice. Would love to go exploring again though.

From memory (which is pretty vague these days!) I think it was Charley from here that used to do this too, had links to other UE forums with amazing pictures not just in the UK either, if you search im sure you will find a thread on it, think this was about 2/3 years ago.

Joolz :slight_smile:

Just seen Charley has already post!! Teach me to post on here whilst still half asleep!!

Aww dude, your works of art ace my tourist snaps :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure I follow you on the “two many rules” part of 28DL. They are very much elitist, sending anyone’s post/pics that don’t cut it to the bin, but for me that says something about the quality of posts on 28DL. It also means I don’t bother posting many of mine! :wink:

Each to there own though.

Joolz: Very good memory :slight_smile:

Hi, they’re not a fan of HDR, borders and flickr hosting for some strange reason!