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If I try to quote an opening post nothing happens, and the console logs the error:

TypeError: n.Content is not a function. (In 'n.Content()', 'n.Content' is undefined) ƒ QuotePost topic:283
(anonymous function) — common:4768

A quick look at ‘n’ in the debugger, and I wonder if a child object is not having its prototype being created properly?


Thanks Michael. it’s a syntax error with the binding for the MVVM framework we use. Something changed and something got overlooked. Human error :slight_smile:

I’m going to completely re-implement how quoting/replying works shortly anyhow, so this shouldn’t be an issue for long.

Bad news on the search front http://searchengineland.com/google-sunset-google-site-search-product-recommends-ad-supported-custom-search-engine-269834

Quite a big update over the weekend.


  • Facebook Login not working (they deprecated an API on us)
  • Registration system was stopping some users from manually signing up
  • Post control was showing for users not logged in
  • Desktop: Portrait photos in posts were too tall, now limited in size
New Features:
  • Desktop: New photo gallery system - photos are now shown with per-photo comments. More work to be done on this
  • Desktop: New photo collection display in posts - posts with many photos now show in a grid to make it easier to take in

Did you see this?


We already solved the problem, so it should be an easy fix