You’ve heard of FMB’s? Well these are FMWDYGTFTF! as in “Fk Me Where Did You get Those Fking Things From!”
These boots were bravely worn by a certain LB member when we went out for a few jars one night. The first pub we went in everyone looked down and thought the Roy Chubby Brown tribute act had arrived!
Anyway, as erm…original as these boots are , I feel it my duty to put em up for auction on behalf of the owner (You’ll thank me for this one day young flannagan! ) so as he doesn’t ever have to endure this ridicule again.
I’ll start the bidding at a quid… actually make that the “Buy It Now” price
Winning Bidder: Rest assured these boots will be delivered to you under plain wrapping to ensure your reputation amongst your neighbours remains intact.