Up for grabs on behalf of a mate.........

You’ve heard of FMB’s? Well these are FMWDYGTFTF! as in “Fk Me Where Did You get Those Fking Things From!”

These boots were bravely worn by a certain LB member when we went out for a few jars one night. The first pub we went in everyone looked down and thought the Roy Chubby Brown tribute act had arrived!

Anyway, as erm…original as these boots are , I feel it my duty to put em up for auction on behalf of the owner (You’ll thank me for this one day young flannagan! ) so as he doesn’t ever have to endure this ridicule again.

I’ll start the bidding at a quid… actually make that the “Buy It Now” price

Winning Bidder: Rest assured these boots will be delivered to you under plain wrapping to ensure your reputation amongst your neighbours remains intact.

Sorry mate, it had to be done

PS: If you happen to spot him on his gixxer K5 riding through sarf london wearing these boots, please dont make out you didnt see him… please??

That there is a serious pair of boots, do they come with a free burberry hat and vauxhall nova???

The comment on the roy chubby brown had me rollin up…

hehe… I need some door stoppers at home! How much you looking for!?

What the heck… lol

Who owns those boots TonUp…I hope you are not saying that they are mine because that would mean our long friednship ends tonight son.


Don’t forget I know where you live

Aghhh! You’re wearing them in your avatar!

When saw the boots first thing thought were “birds boots” but reading they are not, aaarrrggghhh.

Did he bring his guidedog to the pub too?