undercover copper - tonight (27/04) channel 4.

using secret cameras, an experienced policewoman spent four months undercover while serving as a police officer to conduct this revelatory investigation. gaining unprecedented behind-the-scenes access to officers, her secretly-filmed footage unmasks a disturbing lack of respect and care for members of the public and incidences of dereliction of duty.

we’re all doomed!..

tonight at 9-on 4.

So will it present a balanced view? Or simply go for the ever-popular “sensationalist” angle?

“sensationalist” of course…

yet again the press sink lower than usual.

makes me wonder if, with careful editing, they instigate an issue, steer it and then step back and think journolistic awards.

i think they should be nailed to a door, just for the fact that they quite clearly never had the intention of doing the job, and have deprived some other person of a position as a PC.

…maybe the police should do a documentary exposing the press as lying arrogant gutter type people who would slash their own grandmothers throat for a good story regardless whether it was lies or not.

but then no one would watch it would they as it wouldn’t be exposing anything.

Look at it this way Darryl, if they showed the majority of plod doing the good stuff we know they do (as crap as it must be at times), it’d make schitt telly. Anyone with a brain knows the score. Sure there are the knobheads in the Job, as there is with any other profession. Twatt plod are easy enough to spot, they’re the ones with the warrant cards!!

Just teasing

Missed it, probably just as well.

The Foxtons ‘exposé’ was quite good though, not the program itself, but the fun it caused on the few days following it at my work, where Foxtons HQ is also based… Oh the red faces and lack of urban-jungle mini’s doing the rounds, and the rather snidey jokes that were being made.

Made me laugh…

What was the Foxtons expose about?? Never saw it!! Foxtons are full of crap anyway. I wish the industry was regulated more or something.

I thought the Secret Policeman was quite a good one (the one about racism in the police force) when I went back to work the next day, everyone was talking about it and I mean everyone, even new recruits I had never spoken to before had something to say.

This new one seems pretty mediocre compared to it.

I heard about this from a policeman’s blog:

under the headline “dispatches”.

Apparently the WPC in question had taken a career break to work in the media for a bit before returning to police work.

Fortunately I don’t have a telly so I won’t have to spot the difference between fact, setup and misrepesentation.


me too del -

Any idea if this is going to be repeated on satelite? please chaps & chapesses?. I’m stuck at work and don’t finish until 08:00

“…maybe the police should do a documentary exposing the press as lying arrogant gutter type people who would slash their own grandmothers throat for a good story regardless whether it was lies or not.”

quite agree - the few times I’ve had dealings with plod they have been very good, my only complaint being my car being hit was so low priority as to be ignored – however I’d put this down to overburdened police force.

However – and this is a BIG however, any such activeties in the force must be thoroughly investigated and routed out. Ditto the army. Other professions don’t have the inherant powers that you guys have. When was the last time you were put away by a journo? LOL.

Just my 2p worth.