Went to see this last night. Fantastic documentary. Guy martin is funny as hell, wank1ng isn’t a crime being one particular quote and you also get to an unedited version of his teddy throwing out of the pram over the timing problem. Lots of shots of racing over the island, interviews and a very touching interview with Paul Dobbs widow who gained my admiration enormously.
Only one complaint, why did they waste their time doing it in 3D, it adds absolutely nothing to the film, and in many instances detracted from the film. Other than that well reccommended.
Anthony Hopkins is fantastic, this film is great because it encompasses everything good about biking. The passion, engineering and drive. I love the reading of the road advertising scene. Full of emotion.
With the TT3D, I am sure they have made it 3D to sell it to the masses. Watch the Great Joe Dunlop’s TT movie when he had a huge camera strapped on his tank, the greatest TT and road racer of all time.
Oh yes, I also saw this last night. Loved it. It was very funny, and you got a brilliant idea of just how competitive it is. Guy Martin is a completely different chap the minute he walks into the pit.
I agree with 3d comments, plus it was a shitty 3d, the sort of 3d where stuff doesn’t come out at you, why then make those movies slightly 3d? loses it’s purpose completely.
as for movie, it was a pretty good documentary, had my heart racing i loved everything about it, especially the danger and unbelievable speed those racers get upto in those types of conditions.
That wife of a dead guy, i feel sorry for her and her kids, i don’t know how the hell she can manage to cope with it so well…
absoultely loved the camera view capturing the speed they are going at, it’s not even about skill it’s also about how alert they are at this god damn speed you really can’t afford to fell sleepy, tired, or absent minded.
Guy Martin is a funny character, i was laughing when he got off his chair and walked away early, just to p1ss those judges off or organisers definitely something i would’ve done i hope he learns to control his temper and desire to succeed and concentrate on his skills at the track, i think he maybe trying to hard, maybe if he goes there for the fun of it then he might win. good luck to him anyways