This is beyond belief...

I saw part of the video yesterday, couldnt watch it all.

Its Murder.

This is a disgrace but it could have happend in the UK. I witnessed a girl get hit by a taxi once and I helped her out of the road, there were about 7 people standing around saying, “someone should call an ambulance.” I held my phone up and said “I am calling an Ambulance” after that I’ve never seen a crowd of people disperse so quickly.

I also fell on my arse during the snow, 2 people looked around to see what the noise was and as soon as they saw it was me they just turned away and carried on walking, no one even asked if I was ok. The reality is that these days people don’t want to get inovled. That is not just in China.

I will say that Bikers are a breed apart. When I fell off on the A20 and was at the side of the road in the p1ssing rain trying to compose myself before riding on 3 bikers stopped to see if I was ok. When I’ve been a corner man bikes have slowed down to stop and help me till I gave them the thumbs up. I’ve not found that with any other group of people though.

I certainly wasn’t looking to upset anyone by sharing this story…

Its ok, personally I’m glad you posted it.

Here’s the way I see it. The worlds being portrayed as being totally fooked. But, I know there’s decent people left. We just need to show the lost ones the way.

If these stories are told, maybe the motivated ones will stand up and speak. To say it doesn’t have to be like this.

Change has to come for the better. It will well up from somewhere… …who knows, maybe a little forum in London town.

Stanger things have happened.

My daughter is the same age as this little girl…

For the love of god…make these bastards known to the world and get that little girl to the best hospital there is…

i too feel so much anger and terror at the same time and my thoughts just race around not having actually seen the video…the pictures are enough for me and i too have wept as my Roo gave me a cuddle…

I felt a strong urge to help somehow…you know…try to make it right…i dont know if thats because i’m a dad…but its so…so…strong…what can i do?..ive gotta do something

anyway…i’m just rambling is shock and anger and can’t help think how i would be right now if my Roo had snuck away without me knowing for that split second and got run over twice and nobody giving a fuuck…

god…ive got to stop…right now…

not smiled at all…

This is truly horrifying and echoing Leon’s statement I shall leave it there.

I sense alot of these replies are very held back aswell.

Although truly there are no words…

How about a charity event?

It would show the Chinese how they should care, whilst providing funding for her?

i dont think they will reach destination. china is a very communist state still, loads of things are witheld from peple’s reach, including help.

i believe the fact that the post has hit the news is quite bad for their government as it is. the last thing they want is bad publicity for their country.

guy’s right i had to bit my tongue about this. no point spitting venom. :angry:

Feel the same way mate, my little Sadie isn’t much older than this poor little girl.

And whilst terrible accidents happen (and G-d forbid anyone should have to experience such a traumatic event), the callousness shown by all those people just defies belief.

These people are no better than animals, because an animal generally will not show compassion to another animal. However our ability to show compassion, kindness and sympathy are what make us human and why we should never lose faith in people as well.

These empty vessels who were linked to this event are soul-less.

man hug

Its a father daughter thing!, the nighmares ive had over the years about all the bad things that could happen to my daughter!

Horrific… makes me want to dump my GF!

sorry waxy, animals DO show compassion and grief if one of them dies.

so to compare them to animals is an insult. to animals. :ermm:

+1 :doze:

Showed the vid to a dude at work and he showed me this article

So it appears the main reasons no one stopped is because no one wanted to be financially responsible for her at the hospital?

can’t imagine the emotions you guys/girls with kids feel watching that, far more than I am feeling I would guess. I havent forwarded this to my GF and I think she will find it too disturbing. I personally would worry about living in a state where they didn’t want me communicating with other people (facebook etc)

what about the 2 drivers that ran her over multiple times ?

That puts dogs above humans in my books now. It’s a sad day indeed:ermm:

same here everyone deserves a chance to live but when theres a child!!! the chinease are cruel bastids in every way and the japs and asia etc just look at live feeding in chinease zoos on you tube live cows tipped off a tipper in front of hungry lions in front of tourists

ah :crying: