So I went to get the tire plugged today, and i think ive been had.
Firstly I got there at 9 when his doors opened. (I’m gonna hold back the garage name for now). And he umed and ared and said yeah we can do that but weve got jobs on at the min so leave it with us. “should get it done today”. Firstly I reckon thats a bit tight anyway as its a 15 min job tops and the customers bikes on the stands have obviously been left in over night, so whats 15 mins. Anyway forget that because i dont know whats going in in his garage so leave him to it.
I get a call after dinner (4hrs later! Job done! “Awsome cheers mate”
“Errr that ell be £56 please” :blink:
ahhrrr right yeah wasnt expecting to pay £45 labour. Is that right??? Ive never had a tire plugged so I dont know? seems a bit steep though???
never had one done either, but jeez that sounds steep you can get barely used part worn for £40 round here, the shop guys a racer and wont put it on if it not right for ya bike.
I’ve had 2 repairable plugs done. £25 both times…sounds like he owned your ass. It’s not a 15 minute job as the wheel has to be taken off, the hole checked, cleaned and preped and the plug placed in then wheel put back on. But over £30 is VERY expensive.
Well you’ve settled it already for me! Still not gonna name them as I’m gonna ring them tommorrow and kick off about it. If they settle it with me I’ll play the game and keep stum as to be fair I dont wanna hurt trade if theres been a mistake! but if they decide to be funny about it! Ive got a few thing I can say about them!!!
I think you will find that the AA/RAC are just the temporary “Get you home” plugs where the shop would have done a pukka job from the inside of the tyre:cool: - I hope so anyway;)
ps I’ve never paid more than a score for a plug:cool:
You can get those do it yourself kits for under your seat
I know a tyre place handling a few claims for customers where the recovery man has rendered their tyres scrap by poor use of the same kits :crazy: depends on the operator I guess
I’ve never paid more than £25 to get a tyre plugged. Buy yourself a kit and do it yourself next time. The kit will pay for itself once you’ve done the first one.
yes Chunky thats what I am saying the home repair ones are the same as the aa use…the proper kit at the tyre shop is far better, I guess, especially when these things are your only connection with the road…still 56 squid is way too much…