Theory test for Motorbike and Car's

If you fail your theory test 3 times you have to wait a year to retake true or false??

Not heard that one before … isn’t the case for practical so don’t see why it would be for theory?

If you fail three times, you probs need a little more time to study hehe… I did a demo and it said I passed first time, and that was basically common sense and methods of deduction, I didn’t read for it. And I’m no genius!

Make you wait a year before they earn more money off you?? Doubtful! :smiley: If you’ve been riding a while on a cbt the only things that might trip you up are the motorway related stuff, in my experience anyway.

ive done 4 theory tests…2car,1bike,1hgv and every time i worked myself up for nothing:)

False, you can have as many goes as you like. Who told you that… dont listen to them anymore on anything :w00t:

+1 on stuntmartin’s comment, everytime you work yourself up for nothing, you get out and wonder why you were nervous :smiley:

funny enough my best mate told me , he said when you go to the test centre it mentions about if you fail certain amount of times then you have to wait , I got my theory for my car next week so when I go to there i’ll ask to make sure to ask.

Dan3 Your not going to fail:D
Think Positive :slight_smile:
If your really worried, buy the official DAS Theory Test on DVD, you can buy it from any book store.

Its the same layout/questions in the test.

It got me through my Theory test:D

you have to wait for a certain amount of time after failing your practical test before you can book your next, ive not heard about it for theory but perhaps that is what he was refering to?

When I took my theory there was a waiting time if you failed, but it was days, not weeks less than the normal wait for a free slot at any of the local test centres.If you get the official DVD and the extra hazard video disk and do lots of practice, you will know you will pass and won’t have anything to worry about.As for a limit, a I know a dyslexic X9 rider once took I think it was eight attempts to pass the theory - he passed the hazard perception each time but failed on the questions. He never seemed subject to a limit of three tests a year.