We dressed up at school for something or other (I can’t really remember) and we were supposed to be St Trinians!!! :w00t:
first thing that came to my mind as well:Whistling::P:P
What a couple of pervs, you’ve made the lil’ lady blush, you should be ashamed of yourselves
I’d never think such a thing
Ok you all should have a laugh at this one
about 5 years old
<IMG class=reflect height=336 src=“http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3007/2528977048_d0aa8aa8d2.jpg?v=0” width=358 onload=show_notes_initially();>
about 50 years later
ianxv1600 (27/05/2008)
Ok you all should have a laugh at this one
about 5 years old
<IMG class=reflect height=336 src=“http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3007/2528977048_d0aa8aa8d2.jpg?v=0” width=358 onload=show_notes_initially();>
about 50 years later
you dont look that different , neither does the bike :w00t:
ianxv1600 (27/05/2008)
Ok you all should have a laugh at this one
about 5 years old
<IMG class=reflect height=336 src=“http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3007/2528977048_d0aa8aa8d2.jpg?v=0” width=358 onload=show_notes_initially();>
about 50 years later
hehe quality ian!
ive got one very similar! just a bit younger…not such a gap!:D:P
Great idea, must dig out some old uns.
Circa 1972
March 2008
circa 1983-4 first wheels!
August 2006
HUmm, one about 12 years ago when I graduated from Uni…
And the more recent one looking all too corporate…
dude you got longer hair than me!
What’s in the glass E?;)
CM: Orange juice IIRC… you can see the bits on the side…
S: hehe yeap, didnt cut it (small trims only ) for about 6 years eventually cut the lot off in 2001…
Save our Tree’s!!!
Save our Tree’s !!!
you wicked wicked man but funny as fugg!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Elad (28/05/2008)
CM: Orange juice IIRC… you can see the bits on the side…S: hehe yeap, didnt cut it (small trims only ) for about 6 years eventually cut the lot off in 2001…
Haha just checking:PYou certainly gave Swampy a run for his money:D
heheh nice one smiled!!
Then …
And now Traded up from the car.