The mirage of biker hope...

Somebody kill me please.

I swear I can see sunshine outside the office window, but every time I touch my keys with the tasteful Suzuki key fob, it just vanishes…

Is God playing with me? Are the fates testing me? Why do they taunt me so?

He’s playing with us all mate! It’s clear skies right now. I’m thinking of going for a ride at lunch-time, might make it an early one.

2 rules if you do…

  1. Don’t jangle the keys…its bound to bring back the darkness

  2. Never mention the Australian cooking word out loud. I swear, if you want to be thr drought order…all you gotta do is say B…B…Q…all together and it starts lashing it down. I’m surprised the watyer companies haven’t worked that one out yet.

Good luck, happy tire melting!

She thinks we should all get more exercise and walk, and also be more environmentally friendly and use public transport. Either that, or she’s a scooterist, too!

Tobi I guess I found someone as frustrated as I am… lol

Too right Cez…

Do you find yourself standing at windows counting rain drops with your bike keys in your hand?

Do you find yourself crying every time the English weatherman says…there will be sunshine tomorrow, cos you know he’s lying?

Do you want to teach the English that the word summer includes, warmth, t-shirts, scantily clad women, and most importantly, long dry roads and sunglasses?

Well help is at hand, Dial 1-800 “Homes in every other part of the world othe than this damp corner” and you too could enjoy the phenomenon of “Summer” that most English people only dream of. It is possible and it does happen, just “leave England”

Just kidding really, I love England and I love the rain, but NOT when I want to be out riding!

…i tip toed to the bike…paused…raised my eyebrow…and eyeball’d the sky…

placed my key into the ignition…and turned real slow…a breaze passed my nostral as a sprinkle of water settled itself upon my visor…“another shower?”…i am suspicous…i look around and justify the event as a tree nearby shudders from the cool air.

my mind in full debate with my glove coverd fingers on the task ahead, to engage that red starter switch…but the battle is lost when a tug from my spider sense alerts me to the message of a brisk yet effective downpour…i sit and watch tentativley from my window and think…help me toby 1,your my only hope!!!


I share the same fate mate! I just can’t believe in this weather but to be honest, that’s it! It’s always like that, it’s not just now! Every year since I’m here. Let’s face it, England is famous for it’s bad weather!

I still not having pleasure riding under rain… I ride everyday but becouse i need. If you give the choice and it’s raining? I will never be out, even if Rossi asks me to go out on rideout with him on his bike, I wouldnt do it in the wet.


Sorry… On the first sunny wekend it’s all forgiven again,lol

Lol, I am trying to visualise you with princess laya (spelling?) hair rolls above her ears.

Maybe if Toby 1 teaches us about the force we could use it to bring about sun shine. Don’t care myself that much about scantily clad women, but dry roads would be nice.

I shall do my famous drought dance and bring back the desert-like conditions bikers love so much.

Right, imagine this…weird space creatures are harassing a young blond fella whose cage has broken down (too bad eh…), but seriosuly. Now imagine me, wearing a dirty weird robe with a pixie hood (hey on desert world’s that stuff’s fashionable). Now imagine me waving my arms about a bit and scaring them off…well…they thought I was scaring them, but its actually my “Drought dance”.

Now…imagine me stood in the middle of Streatham High Road doing that…cos I am…

Alright, maybe we’re over-reacting…take a look at what Karl Harris had to deal with in Mondello over the past weekend…

My bike would never touch that tarmac! I rather carry her… Er… If she was ligther…lol

jockes apart, I know some of you just go out and ride the bike, which is cool but for me I have to stop and chat to others and look to bikes… For that i need sun…

FFS, We had summer already this year you bunch of muppets, it was a tuesday.

Please don’t say that !!!

Toby! That’s an amazing photo, do you have any more!? Please, post them up if so! All the reports say there was standing water, but that’s not standing water in my eyes, that’s a bloody ford! Crazy stuff!