The Destruction of the British Legal System.

(original post err-age… my bad, but Kaos … give it a rest)

So Kaos if the system is so good as it is why the move to change it?

Could it be that it currently costs more than it’s worth.

Are the 4 large firms going to be the only ones in the running for this work ad infinitum or is there a process by which other firms could tender in future years?

Are these 1000 High Street firms going to go under as a result of this. Excuse my ignorance but is Legal Aid the only work they do?

lol at you and tobi btw


Actually come to think of it why can’t there just be One firm dealing with all Legal Aid…for that matter why not all Legal Matters…

After all isn’t it just about presenting the law in a fair and even-handed manner so the judge can decide. Why do you need competition to do that?

Yep one big firm of lawyers all paid a standard lawyer wage to do a good unbiased, fair and reasonable job without fear or favour.

How can it be that the most highly paid lawyers are so much better than their peers…when they are dealing with the same raw material as the others…the same Big Book of Law…


ok… let’s start again
roads…should we all drive on smooth roads, or is it right that richer boroughs don’t experience potholes…?
policing… are the richer more deserving of day to day protection?
the law… if you AREN’T RICH, under the current British Judiciary and accepted way of life… is it ok for poor people to NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL?

I am fine either way… because fundamentally as you all know I am a totally fucking amoral **** who doesn’t care about any of you, but do you believe that?

If you’re NOT RICH… are you worthless, UNDESERVING of the protection of the law… are you NOT entitled to “justice”?

COME ON KAOS YOU SLAG… This is your call… tell them they deserve to be fucked… go on,… you’re rich… sorry, “skilled”… come one you spineless little turd… tell them they aren’t worth protecting…

The real question you morally reprehensible **** is… can you tell them why they don’t deserve to be protected? :wink:

Yeah that was kind of fun actually, I not posted in a manner like for years. Used to have some great flame wars back in the day, but the internet seems more subdued these days.

Cost more than it’s worth?

I repeat the argument that I made to Tobi. We have a world renowned legal system, our justice system is the model for thousands around the world. Our justice system works. It is not perfect, and no one is saying that changes can’t be made to improve it.

The problem is that these changes are being made for money, not to improve the system. That is a mistake.

Future Tendering

They will be given contracts for 3 - 5 years. Quality is not in issue in the contracts, and it is suggested that it will be very difficult for companies to enter that market in the future.

Bear in mind that these companies don’t exist currently. Large companies will bid, and AFTER they have bid on the service they will create the company to provide the service. So that alone limits the number of companies that can even consider bidding.

Closure of High Street Solicitors

It is the Government’s own figures that suggest that of the 1,600 High Street Firms that currently undertake this type of work, 1,000-1,200 of them will close.

The issue isn’t that the only work they do is legal aid work (though some do specialise) the problem is that it is a significant portion of the firms income.

The other issue is of course that conveyance work is slow due to the recession. Family work is also taking a hit on legal aid, as is civil work.

It is a combination of factors and the loss of ALL criminal legal aid work is pretty much seen as the final nail in the coffin of the majority of those businesses.

The idea of one large firm dealing with all legal aid work, is not necessary a bad idea, implemented correctly. ie, you are paid for the work you do on each trial.

The problem is that the current proposal is 1 fee, regardless of the work involved. It creates a conflict of interest. It creates a financial interest for the company to end your case as soon as possible and to do as little work as possible on your case.

That is not in the best interests of the client.

As to why do some get paid more. Well you have to look at the work they are doing. Those guys are undertaking massive conspiracy and criminal fraud trials that run for 6-8 months at a time, and take considerable skill and knowledge to undertake properly.

As to the same big book of law, well that is just a bit silly.

That big book of law is so big that no single individual could know all of it.

Bit like asking why the heart or brain surgeon earns more than the guy that puts on butterfly stitches. It is because the surgeons are highly skilled, highly trained individuals that undertake specialist work that takes an enormous amount of time, and money, to learn how to do.

But it is one big book of medicine.

What on earth do you think I am saying?

I am arguing to protect the criminal justice system that gives everyone a fair trial regardless of their wealth, and to stop it becoming like the civil justice system where the rich benefit from their wealth and which creates an unfair playing field.

Yet you seem to be under the impression that I am arguing for the criminal justice system to become like the civil justice system?

Are you unwell?

Toby, you come across as a complete pauper without an ounce of intelligence who seems to have a deep anger for people who earn more than you - that’s what I see when I read your posts. Kaos made no mention about skills and who should earn more than who until you brought it up, seems like you were asking for an argument.

You clearly cant read either because if you could you would have understood the purpose of the petition and signed it, its what you are arguing FOR in your last post.

Fabio, why do you think being a “pauper” is so terrible. It just means someone who is poor.

If you read the posts carefully, you’ll see that Tobi already said he agreed with the petition and would sign it. As for the rants, he is probably just a bit emotional right now and Kaos could cause the Pope to lose his composure. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t blame me!! lol

I figured Tobi was bored and wanted a flame war. I miss them myself, been a decade since I saw a good one, so got involved for a bit.

It passed the time, when I should be studying for exams…back to the books :smiley:

I never said being a pauper is terrible, you are just reading into your own thoughts.

“you come across as a complete pauper without an ounce of intelligence”

You were clearly using the word in a derogatory manner.

You clearly do not grasp the basics of the English language.

If I had said:

“Paupers have no intelligence”

That would mean I would think that all poor people have no intelligence, which could be considered derogatory, however I did not say that.

I described Toby as a pauper, who also lacked intelligence, meaning one could be a pauper whilst also being intelligent.

some of you on this tread would be better off going and playing with your cocks

You must be Kaos’ Italian cousin.

Strangely (and not for the first time in this thread) I am reminded of this sketch…

Thats right Simon, you realise you are wrong and then reply with nonsense instead of acting like a gentleman and admitting to not understanding my sentence. I wouldn’t have expected any less, but I forgive you because in reality we agree with the common goal and after all, we are bikers.

You are too funny.

Isn’t that a part of the guide: “How to use the internet and hide your ignorance” published by Penguin?

“If cornered whilst in a debate, post pictures and videos in an effort to misdirect others to your mistake.”

It also gives links to good pictures, the first amongst them being the face palm by Captain Picard, always a favourite.

Ok, thanks I get it. It’s a bit like a PFI. The turnaround is nicely timed for changes of government so accountability for this will be lost in the mists of time. I think I’m going to sign your petition.