That nod!

I always give the nod when out in the country, but int London?, seriously think how exhausting that could be?..and how comical it could look to other people as a groups of bikers pull up at red lights and all start nodding to each other, we’d look like pigeons.

Of course if nodded at ill nod back.

Sounds like a great comedy sketch :smiley:

Far too busy in London to nod to everyone. Doesnt stop me from doing it occasionally tho and ive got over not geting the nod back. Bigger things to worry about.

As a regular rider in London don’t do much nodding in town, would end up in A & E with strained neck muscles with the amount of bikes i see, but once i’m outta town i nod most of the time

Though I do find i forget myself sometimes, and start nodding when in my car, much to the amusement of any passengers :smiley:

That comment says more about the rider than what they ride does!!!

right, about this nodding thing in London…

As most bikers know who spend a lot of time racing around in central London, it only takes a split second lapse of concentration and it’s game over. You simply don’t have the time and inclination to keep nodding back if you’re just trying to stay alive!!

I always nod and response rate is about 50%, those who don’t usually being either Harley and Scooter riders.

Sometimes though if I’m in the car I forget and still nod at bikers :smiley:

I thought this sort of comment would arise a lot earlier than this,actually one vehicle i probably wouldnt bother nodding at would be a BUSssa! whats the point of having one of those, to big and heavy in town an capable of triple licence losing speeds,you must have a very small dick!

exr1 (07/11/2009)

I thought this sort of comment would arise a lot earlier than this,actually one vehicle i probably wouldnt bother nodding at would be a BUSssa! whats the point of having one of those, to big and heavy in town an capable of triple licence losing speeds,you must have a very small dick![/quote]

Not sure where you are hopeing to go with that comment:w00t: Considering you have 2 bikes and a hairdryer:hehe:

So taking your words “Lets be a bit more friendly”:smiley:

Considering you have 2 bikes and a hairdryer…Its comments like this that are so pathetic,although you are forgiven pj as you are a crusty and still living out the old Mods and Rocker days.

exr1 Does this mean I can’t ride my Blackbird around town, because it’s too big, even though I’m an “Old Crusty” with enough experience to out filter and out manoever a lot of smaller bikes.

Also a true biker would never leave another rider laying in the road, regardless of what they ride or whether they had been “Nodded” to. But obviously by your comments you are not a real biker

Nice, I’ll let you explain this one to me at the next meet ?

A true “biker” should also have some respect for other 2 wheeled riders(excluding cyclists) whatever they are on, the people who ride in town on scooters are the ones who are switched on, much more nimble through traffic and you dont get fried by engine heat in the summer, i would wager that i would leave you or any other motorcycle standing in traffic,also £6 fills it up,plenty of room for storage,good weather protection,comfortable riding position,cheap servicing and insurance,quicker away from the lights,great turning lock,no gears ect. Try one you might see sense or at least realise the benefits and stop thinking everyone who rides one is a nob. Ride you Blackbird if you like but unless i was comuting from Devon every day i cant see the point,i think i would rather move house anyway.:wink:

Hi ,dont remember you being involved in this! do you post under the PJs name as well, or do you just highjack?

Not Hijacking at all, just replying to the comment you made in an open forum about Busa riders. I own a Busa.

Yes a true biker should have respect for other 2 wheeled users, so why would you leave one lying in the road, just because he hadn’t nodded to you ?? :crazy: :frowning: :ermm:

I doubt you would leave me in the filtering stakes

Yes maybe you would leave me standing at the lights, but only because I drive steady in town, so would let you go to keep a distance, And London is NOT A RACETRACK.

but when I’m finished work and maybe going to Milton Keynes for my training or something like that, once I get on the open road, and on the motorway, I will open up, but still have time to wave and Nod to you as I Go past you, struggling to keep up with the traffic :stuck_out_tongue: :cool:

As for storage, can you get 3 full face helmets under your seat ??? because I can, and much more in my 54 litre back box which will take 2 full face helmets, and tank bags which will take 1, plus loads of other stuff besides :slight_smile:

I came from riding an upright bike to this one and find no problems in the comfort, but It’s a matter of personal preference anyway, and cost wise if i wanted to go for the cheap option I would ride a push bike in town, no insurance, no tax, no petrol and the quickest way of getting round london

I don’t think scooter riders ar nobs, but there are a lot of nobs who ride scooters (mainly the irresponsible youngsters who have given them a bad image, But I do respect them as 2 wheel riders, and would not leave one lying in the road, as you seem to suggest you would do just because he hadn’t nodded to you

Yeah I think within the M25 the ‘nod’ usually applies to filtering bikers. Letting someone merge into your filtering channel, giving way to a faster or slower filterer, and giving oncoming filterers right of way. Rarely out on the open road.

I think you should come and talk to me face to face, or are you just brave with words?

So… you’re complaining about not getting respect based on the vehicle you’re using, and then encouraging having no respect for some people based on the vehicle they’re using ? :ermm:

+1 Well said

Ha Ha, you lot are so easy to wind up!:D:D and Busa you dont have to send a pm to call me a Tw@t, you old fart!