suzuki sv voltage regulator

I recently bought a new battery for my SV650 as the last one seemed goosed, after a few weeks it would no longer hold a charge so back to the shop it went. On inspection the acid had gone! i was told it had boiled away due to overcharging and my regulator was probably at fault. I’ve checked this with a voltage meter and it’s reading 18-19 volts obviously far too high but it never varied through the rev range even with the lights on. Can i safely assume the regulator is at fault or is it possible the alternator is pumping out too much. I’ve also heard that a 750 gixxer regulator will fit or practically any 5 wire unit once you reconfigure the plugs, anyone know any better?:ermm:

wot yr is the sv?

if your handy with a multi meter testing you genny is not hard

most people only ever test the regulator output and not the genny…

have a look at the wires coming from the genny, test the resistance between all the 3 wires that are the same color.

they should all be the same

also test for between each of the 3 and earth.

they should be none.

and test the out put of each phase (the 3 wires the same color) they should be the same.

an sv regulator should not cost much better to buy a new one… :slight_smile:

i use these guys.

this site should be handy for all you honda owners :slight_smile:

its an 98/99 sv naked

I ended up paying £70 to have a new one fitted on an M reg CBR I used to have. The difference was amazing! Acceleration was so much better with the new one…obvious when i think about it.

Guy at the shop said they fried because they werent fitted properly in the first place. They have to have heat dissapating paste applied to the backing plate and touching the sub frame - without it they just get way too hot and give up!!!:slight_smile: