All this sunshine and dry, hot roads but no bike :crying:
Im missing all the LB antics, the BCR and most importantly my bike which is in the UK waiting for all the work to be done to her so she can get brought back out here and be abused on the mountain roads… oh and im missing a certain persons baking
Just thought id share this useless info with you all seeing as ive not had my LB fix for awhile.
I wish. Im all good thanx. Dogs are ace, ive got a tracker dog and a protection dog now. My pat dog has got 2 confirmed kills too, how ace is that Taking them both to the czech for a month, its gona be awsome.How are you guys doin?
Not got a clue, ive not even got started on it yet either. Ive had too many comitments but once things slow down i’ll be burning, i mean trying not to burn my self as often as i can
I might get a chance to be round London in the summer some time, well atleast hopefully i will
Thats his job. He was an ex SF dog which is where he got his kills. We got a couple of dogs with confirmed kills. He’s a rite softie mind, but does have issues with people wearing civi’s so if ya in greens ya safe unless you are bein aggressive :w00t: