Suggestions Please

Myself and Shewoolf are meeting at the Ace tomorrow for a spot of brekkie then off for a ride…ideally we would like to get some practice on some city roads and some quiet country lanes

And of course a spot of lunch somewhere…

Any suggestions please…

I’m about tomorrow if you want some more company…

You should get some good filtering practice getting to the Ace for brekkie.
If i was you i would head out of town asap. Easiest would probably be the A40 out of town then hit the A roads for some country riding. A couple of ppl recomended the A413 which starts at the denham turn off of the A40. Ive now tested it and can report that its ok untill you get to Aylesbury where it becomes bloody great.
Its 10-15 mins on the A40, then about 25-30 mins to Aylesbury and then 30-40 mins to Wittlebury where i would turn around if i was you.

Anyways, its a nice ride if you dont have any better ideas

That would be nice. …thanks TQO…meeting at 11.00

Forgot to mention peeps, that we cant do motorways yet either…

The A40 becomes the M40 at some point. need to check map
Hmm, looks like you might get away with it.


Or maybe the A41 out to hemel ?

Cheers for the ideas Swanvesta

Nice bike by the way…


The more the merrier

why not go from the ace to the a40,to denham to rickmansworth to watford then the cricketers in sarrat for lunch,then back through watford,elstree a1 home

A40 becomes M40 after the Denham turning, so you are ok.

Just wanted to say thank you to The Quiet One and Triskie for our ride yesterday. You were both patient and gentle with me. For a 1st ride it was a great confidence builder - Thanks again

best not come out with me then till you’ve done a few more gentle rides and are more confident !!

i look forward to it though…keep it up girl

Hi Sallee, I will hold you to that!

At the time of going on that ride it was only my 3rd time on a bike! I’m in the middle of DAS now so when I’ve got a few miles under my belt on my Thundercat, I’ll be ready for the next challenge!!

After only 3 days of riding Shewoolf you were blinding, you will have no problems with your DAS, and in all fairness we were only limited to the speed we could do by the engine size of our bikes, and i know when you are out on the Thundercat i will be trying to keep up

Err YOU, struggle to keep up ??? This from someone who hurtles round corners and leaves others behind on bigger bikes !!! (NOT me tho ha ha)…

Shewoolf? looking forward to meeting you…(dont worry about Salee…she WILL leave you behind, but she waits up the road for ya !!!(dont cha girl!) (we have our little tussles but its all fun…although sometimes you have to watch out for the devil on her shoulder!) (Cant say too much, shes got longer legs than me!!! )

She IS a wicked rider tho…i should know…

“She IS a wicked rider tho…i should know…

Err and BEFORE anyone thinks what i THINK they will think…(now theres a sentence!) i meant rider of her bike…and NOTHING more !! ha ha

My suggestion is: bring a brolley

PMSL…WHAT??? Bring a brolley? What, to go on the ride they went on YESTERDAY? Capt, you make me laugh !!!