whats the easiest way for you to study the bloody highway code for theory test? As i aim to put in for me bike test this year.
whats the easiest way for you to study the bloody highway code for theory test? As i aim to put in for me bike test this year.
I just sat and read the Highway Code for a few hours the night before I took the test.
it’s not too difficult, more common sense than anything else…
Good luck!
if you google theory test practice (or something along thoes lines), there are lots of free practice tests online.
some that i used are:
good luck, and as said, its mostly common sence, just try to learn the stopping distances.
Depends if you have any other licences, and how old you are.
I read the book on the 30 minute train ride before the theory test, but I had been driving for quite a few years prior to taking my bike theory test
I read the highway code once and practiced on the all4bikers.com theory test. I have been driving a car a lot of years so didn’t need much revision. Did several practice tests per day for the week running up to the test, so I knew a lot of the answers off pat by the time I sat it. This gave me a lot of confidence going into the test.
Important stuff: stopping distances, types of pedestrian crossings and stuff about horses and how their riders should behave when on the road. There were two horse knowledge questions in my theory test.
what i do is read the book and note down all the questions/ansers you get wrong then study the wrong ansers untill you know them then repeat again
good luck buddy
If you buy the theory DVD they sell in the supermarkets Wh Smith etc it not only has the text of the HC and the text of all the questions, but it will generate tests for you to take that are just like the real test. You can configure it to keep throwing back at you in subsequent tests the questions you get wrong until you learn to get them right. It also has the hazard perception videos etc for you to practice also. It best £7 I ever spent in Woolworths when I bought mine. I simply did a theory test every day for the fortnight before my test and did a hazard perception run through every day as well.
Yes, that’s the one.
If you are studing for theory test then its must to practice multiple choice question and hazard perception test.
There are many site who are providing the **theory test material ** which inclused theory test book, cd and software from which you can practice your theory test.
I can suggest you **http://www.theory-test.co.uk/asp/product_list.asp **
site for practicing theory test
The Highway Code is essential reading for everyone. Its rules apply to all road users: drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians as well as horse riders. Navigate around this site through the road user categories, keyword search (A-Z index) or simply browse through the rules.
Many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving.
Knowing and applying the rules contained in The Highway Code could significantly reduce road accident casualties. Cutting the number of deaths and injuries that occur on our roads every day is a responsibility we all share.
You can learn the highway codes by searching on the net. Also you get books in the market from where you can read and get the knowledge about them
Hope this helps!!!
personally i just read the book. same with the theory test. revision book was about 4 years old but it still contained the same info, so not really essential IMO to have the latest book.
Buy the online test, take it over and over again until you stop making mistakes, then go and pass theory. Worked for me. Time needed - one afternoon.
Read the whole book marking questions your gonna forget for quick ref before walking into the test and get the dsa cd rom to do tests over and over until it sinks in
I am constantly astounded that people fail the questions part of the test. They make available for purchase a book with all the questions and all the answers!! How easier can it be and still be called a test?
Disc called, Driving test success : All tests by Focus Multimedia. Has the car/bike/ADI tests on it…
Do the mock test straight off, just learn the ones you get wrong… your scores will creep up and up. All mine pups seem to pass with this method, and its the best disc you can get its £7.
www.2pass.co.uk can be found on here… :D:D