Streetfighter a slingshot

Wow, well excited. My uncle who has had this slingshot for a very long time has given it to me after a chat with him last night.

We was talking about a streetfighterd slingshot and how to do it properly.

Going to be my littel project! well chuffed. A street fightered slingshot - for stunts and what not! ;)Lets hope he sticks to his word!

You are seriously going to destroy an historic GSXR slingshot! sacrilege!! Burn him, burn him!

Do us a favour, take like far too many photographs every step of the way. I really love those threads where someone takes photos of their work with a little commentary…but they never include enough photos!

They go from 1/2 done to 3/4 done in a single photo, I wanted to see it grow and change!

+1 :stuck_out_tongue:

go onto for any info/ideas m8.

c’mon lewis…lets see some pics:D



Yeah a step be step sounds like a great idea.

He is back down from Aberdeen hopefully next weekend. Im going over there to take a look!

:D:D hole? shovel? digging? I dont think so … pics would be great… :D:D:D

still no pics lewis?
Disney Myspace Graphics

hahahahahahahahahaha cheers shaney boy!

Dont you panic. When i have them, they will be posted!


where are these pic i keep hearing about! :wink:

I’m surprised Smiled hasn’t already tried to get the fairings off ya! :w00t: :stuck_out_tongue: