
Thanks again guys, sadly I was third party only so won’t be getting anything from the insurance company. Fire and theft was around £800 and fully comp virtually the value of the bike.

So with that in mind, even if it’s all smashed up, I’d like to have it back just so I can salvage what I can from it haha.

My Mum lives in Leytonstone so I will keep an eye out for the bike on visits. Hope it turns up in one piece with the sod who stole it wrapped around the front :wink:

Man that’s cack, I was about to mention the pushbike but then read on and that’s gone as well!

sounds like someone is watching your gaff… setup some cctv they are cheap these days.

Thats the problem with Ebay its easy to steal and sell on the site, dirty sh%t Bags. next people will need automatic turrets that kill on the spot to protect there stuff. :slight_smile:

+1 for cctv

it does seem like that seeing as so much is going missing in so little time.

Sorry to hear this… believe it or not someone has checked out my bike too last night, found the cover lifted on the back this morning :w00t: my zzr is also a T reg, thieving scrotes… not sure what to think of that, maybe they were just nosey and wanted to see what’s under the cover or they were perhaps looking for summink to snatch for a joyride but the bike was chained to a lamp post with a series III Almax and didn’t have the tools to free it? :w00t:

:frowning: bad luck dude.

Was it not locked up? Nothing is safe. But we get complacent.

could have been the wind>?

tho it could have been checked out by someone.

Thankfully (if thats the right word!) the motorbike was the only thing to go missing from my house. The pushbike was locked up in public for a couple of hours (in daylight, busy high road, decent lock, god knows how that happened) and the laptop was in my office (previous tenants decided to break in, although not enough evidence to do anything about it).

Stupidly I didnt lock the motorbike the night it went missing, 95% of the time I do but…what can I say, I got lazy and paid the price :blush:

Sorry to hear your having such a run of bad luck. With regard to your laptop, you should claim form your office insurance that they surely have (unless it’s a home office).

Feel for you man!
I hope they get caught and get severly sodemized :wink:

Hear, hear. I’ll keep 'em pealed…

5hit news Kyle … sorry to hear it. Will obviously keep an eye out (can’t be that many Hornets knocking about with Yoshi cans can there?)Good on you for the positive mental attitude though.

Nope, my office, just moved into it a week earlier and hadn’t sorted the contents insurance yet. Doh!

Oh no! I am really sorry to hear that. Things cannot go wrong forever, hopefully soon the luck returns to you.