Dear all, :crying: Please keep a look out for my beautiful mint limited edition Isle of Mann GSXR 600 K7 which was stolen this evening from Jennings Road in Dulwich SE22. I have attached a photo. Blue and black with the reg


It has the pillion seat on the back and was towed by a vehicle by lifting the front wheel. It wasn’t placed inside a van so the alarm could be heard and you could see the indicators flashing at the time.

If anyone saw anything or does see anything please contact me or the police. I’d be so grateful

Thanks :crying:

Jedi (Richard)

bad bad news dude!!

thats just down the road from me!!

poo news mate :angry: you never know it could turn up again:) someone i know had his husaberg 650 stolen the other day but was found again:cool:

best of luck m8

:frowning: man…thats **** news

i know how mint that bike is…having spoken to rich i cant beleive how quick it happened! fugging thieving buggers! :angry:

praying she come back mate

if i hear anything i call ya.

thats very bad luck mate!!
Sorry about that, those scrotes had away with my k7 over August time. Around that way, Southwark.

I cant picture how you would tow away a bike by lifting the front wheel? Did you see this happen?

Thanks. I’m praying it’ll be found.

Yeah I was in a house opposite for about 3 mins. heard alarm, went out and saw a van driving off, back wheel of bike rolling, alarm blarring

terrible, so many bikes being lifted recently. Just makes sense to me to keep on riding my old rat bike around and only take the 750 out for a blast on the weekend.

Sorry to hear this. The thieving scum seem to be on a roll at the moment.

Fortunately, you and the many other bike theft victims can take comfort in the knowledge that the Metropolitan Police SERVICE will be doing all they can to address this latest epidemic of bike theft in the region, can’t you?..Ok then, maybe not.

Will keep a look out for your bike.

Though being realistic, theres really very little chance of seeing it again.

Good luck still.

Oh Mate, Gutted for you.

I was admiring one of these up at the Ace today.

I’ll keep an eye out for one… they’re few and far between, I’ve only seen three, but i’ll keep a look out!

I hope its found safe and sound!

You’re only a few streets away from me, I’ll keep an eye out for it.

Hope it’s found safe and sound.

really sorry to hear this and I know just how you feel. My green ninja was stolen in July this year and was found 3 weeks later by a man walking his dog. Fingers crossed yours turns up.

+1. Hopefully you will get it back


Sorry to hear this new, its another one gone. Keep my eyes out.
What is done with all these stolen bikes?. They cannot all be stripped to sell as spares as there would be to many spares around.

Do the bikes get taken to main land europe?

As it is distinctive, I would watch ebay for the plastics. Gutted for you and everryone. I need a mind lke the little feller from Rain man to rememer all these numbers plates to watch out for!

i bought an old gs750 once when the bloke deliverd it , the back of his van had a towbar type thing you lifted the front wheel into it and straped it to it the wheel sat inside a type of bike grab i asked him where he got it and said america havent seen one since tho’ and didnt seem very safe to me but maybe that how they done it

hope you get your bike back soon and in one piece

sorry to hear m8, will keep eyes peeled here, se16.

the pic you show, is that where you kept bike etc?

Did you get a look at the van or anything about the characters who lifted it?

Gutted for you

Thanks for all the peeled eyes, kind words and support everyone. I appreciate it.

The pic that you see is where I keep the bike in East London, but what you cant see in the pic is a cage that it goes into where it is anchored and covered.

I had just stopped in dulwich to pick up my pillion, It was dark and i didn’t see anyone. only the van as it drove off.

Well it’s limited edition status may help you with finding it. Sorry to hear about it mate :crying:

Ah man, so sorry to hear this :frowning: So it wasn’t locked up? They were opportunists?