Stolen bike recovered and thieves nicked.

Well done, it’s fab to read something positive


they may use the in-car footage (as i know the producers from my time with them)

But i am off the proactive unit so i don’t have cameras following me anymore (phew)

I’ll let you know if it’s on…

PS’s car is proper quick, I can vouch for that! Whooooo, best drive I’ve ever had was in his company wagon.

PS, we need more of you in London mate.


why don’t you all move to leafy Berkshire…

In fact, lets start a LB commune!!

Delboy !!

Top Banana, well done mate.

Hope the bumps and bruises heal soon and you aint in to much pain.

Barro passes a virtual drink over and says cheers !!

Well done Del and all involved !!! Bet theres one happy bike owner out there today…good work. Sorry about bruises but they remind you of a good job done…just think they might have got away and you had the bruises !!!

Keti? Shame we cant burn em eh??? Bet there wouldnt be that many about if we could…bring back the Krays i say !!! hee hee

That’s fantastic to hear…Bloody well done.

Hope you heal soon PS…Great stuff

I still reacon a set of stocks at the ace for theicing scumk is the way forward, we could be environmental and re-cycle bricks for hurling at them.

Well done porky!

Top news well done, pass on my regards to the thieving scum… in Braille.

Great work mister!!

Shame your injuries will prob be substantially more painful than their punishment

I wish it wasn’t the case, but i am a cynic.

Heal well and quickly

Well done, so glad you caught one of them.

Sorry to hear you got hurt though, thought you were robocop?

Fair play to you mate!

You’ll probably get a kick out of ‘Hot Fuzz’ - it’s not out till March next year, but here are some trailers to whet your appetite

thats to funny mate

nice work porky…

Damn that trailer looks good.

So go on then, our porky hero, tell us how you sustained your injuries, if you were chasing the little sod on foot. DID you run into a wall?

Nope, worse.

The two of them jumped and slid down a very wet and grassy embankment which i couldn’t see down the bottom off…

beside was the steps.

seemed to be in levels of about 10 steps so i leapt the first set…loads of momentum, second set,however contained about 20 steps.

i didn’t make it, and went down, rolled the remainder but fortunately the adrenalin keeps you going, so one nicked, crewmate gets the other…

ten minutes later in kicked the pain.

That looks amazing!

Bad luck on the fall mate, but damn, I bet it looked good, lol! Was the film crew with you? They’d have lapped that up.

fortunately, NO.!!!

and the in-car cam didn’t get it either, so it’s only stored on my grey matter database!!