Stewboys Worrying pics ;o)

Heres the pics pf my self and y mates out for Dannyboys 21 st at the school disco hammersmith…

no before you ask im not gay but i think i make a dam hot chick lol

Ok and heres a normal one just so you know im not always like this

<----------- im on the left

My god it looks like Depeche Mode. Suppose that was the plan tho

lol well kinda ;o)

The frightning thing is that you all look so at ease with it all !!!

Erm scared now! PMSL

:whispers: Barro - think he’ll buy it if we say that’s expected at the Cubana ?


Yeah i know …kinda felt good in a stange way …i think next week we’re going out as a net ball team …

whos comming ??? hmmm hmmm

You are a brave man! lol

HAhahaha… Stewboy, brilliant! I love someone with some balls to try funny shit Brought a smile to my face. You’ll get a lot of attention if you’re not careful! Good to meet you last night…

That is so wrong !

well some ones got to do it …lol


You single? you wanna go out with me tomorrow night? I found a nice little cosy place called the blue oyster.

Easy tiger, he’s only a young lad.


Stewboy, may have to let work know what you look like on a weekend.!

lol i may be a young lad but i can go like a jack hammer

im not a bad lay either

Do I have to ask twice?

lol yes i am but im not the blue oyster type

am i the only one that thinks its ironic that he claims not to be gay and yet his “normal” picture is a nice sunset shot in Brighton with his, mate ???

pmsl - so true…